
629 lines
20 KiB

use super::{U128, U256, U512, U64};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize, Serializer};
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
use strum::{AsRefStr, EnumCount, EnumIter, EnumString, EnumVariantNames};
// compatibility re-export
pub use num_enum::{TryFromPrimitive, TryFromPrimitiveError};
pub type ParseChainError = TryFromPrimitiveError<Chain>;
// When adding a new chain:
// 1. add new variant to the Chain enum;
// 2. add extra information in the last `impl` block (explorer URLs, block time) when applicable;
// 3. (optional) add aliases:
// - Strum (in kebab-case): `#[strum(to_string = "<main>", serialize = "<aliasX>", ...)]`
// `to_string = "<main>"` must be present and will be used in `Display`, `Serialize`
// and `FromStr`, while `serialize = "<aliasX>"` will be appended to `FromStr`.
// More info: <>
// - Serde (in snake_case): `#[serde(alias = "<aliasX>", ...)]`
// Aliases are appended to the `Deserialize` implementation.
// More info: <>
// - Add a test at the bottom of the file
// We don't derive Serialize because it is manually implemented using AsRef<str> and it would
// break a lot of things since Serialize is `kebab-case` vs Deserialize `snake_case`.
// This means that the Chain type is not "round-trippable", because the Serialize and Deserialize
// implementations do not use the same case style.
/// An Ethereum EIP-155 chain.
AsRefStr, // AsRef<str>, fmt::Display and serde::Serialize
EnumVariantNames, // Chain::VARIANTS
EnumString, // FromStr, TryFrom<&str>
EnumIter, // Chain::iter
EnumCount, // Chain::COUNT
TryFromPrimitive, // TryFrom<u64>
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
#[strum(serialize_all = "kebab-case")]
pub enum Chain {
#[strum(to_string = "mainnet", serialize = "ethlive")]
#[serde(alias = "ethlive")]
Mainnet = 1,
Morden = 2,
Ropsten = 3,
Rinkeby = 4,
Goerli = 5,
Kovan = 42,
Sepolia = 11155111,
Optimism = 10,
OptimismKovan = 69,
OptimismGoerli = 420,
Arbitrum = 42161,
ArbitrumTestnet = 421611,
ArbitrumGoerli = 421613,
ArbitrumNova = 42170,
Cronos = 25,
CronosTestnet = 338,
Rsk = 30,
#[strum(to_string = "bsc", serialize = "binance-smart-chain")]
#[serde(alias = "bsc")]
BinanceSmartChain = 56,
#[strum(to_string = "bsc-testnet", serialize = "binance-smart-chain-testnet")]
#[serde(alias = "bsc_testnet")]
BinanceSmartChainTestnet = 97,
Poa = 99,
Sokol = 77,
#[strum(to_string = "xdai", serialize = "gnosis", serialize = "gnosis-chain")]
#[serde(alias = "xdai", alias = "gnosis", alias = "gnosis_chain")]
XDai = 100,
Polygon = 137,
#[strum(to_string = "mumbai", serialize = "polygon-mumbai")]
#[serde(alias = "mumbai")]
PolygonMumbai = 80001,
Fantom = 250,
FantomTestnet = 4002,
Moonbeam = 1284,
MoonbeamDev = 1281,
Moonriver = 1285,
Moonbase = 1287,
Dev = 1337,
#[strum(to_string = "anvil-hardhat", serialize = "anvil", serialize = "hardhat")]
#[serde(alias = "anvil", alias = "hardhat")]
AnvilHardhat = 31337,
Evmos = 9001,
EvmosTestnet = 9000,
Chiado = 10200,
Oasis = 26863,
Emerald = 42262,
EmeraldTestnet = 42261,
FilecoinMainnet = 314,
FilecoinHyperspaceTestnet = 3141,
Avalanche = 43114,
#[strum(to_string = "fuji", serialize = "avalanche-fuji")]
#[serde(alias = "fuji")]
AvalancheFuji = 43113,
Celo = 42220,
CeloAlfajores = 44787,
CeloBaklava = 62320,
Aurora = 1313161554,
AuroraTestnet = 1313161555,
Canto = 7700,
CantoTestnet = 740,
Boba = 288,
// === impl Chain ===
// This must be implemented manually so we avoid a conflict with `TryFromPrimitive` where it treats
// the `#[default]` attribute as its own `#[num_enum(default)]`
impl Default for Chain {
fn default() -> Self {
macro_rules! impl_into_numeric {
($($ty:ty)+) => {$(
impl From<Chain> for $ty {
fn from(chain: Chain) -> Self {
macro_rules! impl_try_from_numeric {
($($native:ty)+ ; $($primitive:ty)*) => {
impl TryFrom<$native> for Chain {
type Error = ParseChainError;
fn try_from(value: $native) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
(value as u64).try_into()
impl TryFrom<$primitive> for Chain {
type Error = ParseChainError;
fn try_from(value: $primitive) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value.bits() > 64 {
// `TryFromPrimitiveError` only has a `number` field which has the same type
// as the `#[repr(_)]` attribute on the enum.
return Err(ParseChainError { number: value.low_u64() })
impl From<Chain> for u64 {
fn from(chain: Chain) -> Self {
chain as u64
impl_into_numeric!(u128 U64 U128 U256 U512);
impl TryFrom<U64> for Chain {
type Error = ParseChainError;
fn try_from(value: U64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl_try_from_numeric!(u8 u16 u32 usize; U128 U256 U512);
impl fmt::Display for Chain {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl Serialize for Chain {
fn serialize<S>(&self, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
// NB: all utility functions *should* be explicitly exhaustive (not use `_` matcher) so we don't
// forget to update them when adding a new `Chain` variant.
impl Chain {
/// Returns the chain's average blocktime, if applicable.
/// It can be beneficial to know the average blocktime to adjust the polling of an HTTP provider
/// for example.
/// **Note:** this is not an accurate average, but is rather a sensible default derived from
/// blocktime charts such as [Etherscan's](
/// or [Polygonscan's](
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// assert_eq!(
/// Chain::Mainnet.average_blocktime_hint(),
/// Some(Duration::from_millis(12_000)),
/// );
/// assert_eq!(Chain::Optimism.average_blocktime_hint(), None);
/// ```
pub const fn average_blocktime_hint(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
use Chain::*;
let ms = match self {
Mainnet => 12_000,
Arbitrum | ArbitrumTestnet | ArbitrumGoerli | ArbitrumNova => 1_300,
Polygon | PolygonMumbai => 2_100,
Moonbeam | Moonriver => 12_500,
BinanceSmartChain | BinanceSmartChainTestnet => 3_000,
Avalanche | AvalancheFuji => 2_000,
Fantom | FantomTestnet => 1_200,
Cronos | CronosTestnet | Canto | CantoTestnet => 5_700,
Evmos | EvmosTestnet => 1_900,
Aurora | AuroraTestnet => 1_100,
Oasis => 5_500,
Emerald => 6_000,
Dev | AnvilHardhat => 200,
Celo | CeloAlfajores | CeloBaklava => 5_000,
FilecoinHyperspaceTestnet | FilecoinMainnet => 30_000,
// Explicitly exhaustive. See NB above.
Morden | Ropsten | Rinkeby | Goerli | Kovan | XDai | Chiado | Sepolia | Moonbase |
MoonbeamDev | Optimism | OptimismGoerli | OptimismKovan | Poa | Sokol | Rsk |
EmeraldTestnet | Boba => return None,
/// Returns whether the chain implements EIP-1559 (with the type 2 EIP-2718 transaction type).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// assert!(!Chain::Mainnet.is_legacy());
/// assert!(Chain::Celo.is_legacy());
/// ```
pub const fn is_legacy(&self) -> bool {
use Chain::*;
match self {
// Known legacy chains / non EIP-1559 compliant
Optimism |
OptimismGoerli |
OptimismKovan |
Fantom |
FantomTestnet |
BinanceSmartChain |
BinanceSmartChainTestnet |
Arbitrum |
ArbitrumTestnet |
ArbitrumGoerli |
ArbitrumNova |
Rsk |
Oasis |
Emerald |
EmeraldTestnet |
Celo |
CeloAlfajores |
CeloBaklava |
Boba => true,
// Known EIP-1559 chains
Mainnet |
Goerli |
Sepolia |
Polygon |
PolygonMumbai |
Avalanche |
AvalancheFuji |
FilecoinHyperspaceTestnet => false,
// Unknown / not applicable, default to false for backwards compatibility
Dev | AnvilHardhat | Morden | Ropsten | Rinkeby | Cronos | CronosTestnet | Kovan |
Sokol | Poa | XDai | Moonbeam | MoonbeamDev | Moonriver | Moonbase | Evmos |
EvmosTestnet | Chiado | Aurora | AuroraTestnet | Canto | CantoTestnet |
FilecoinMainnet => false,
/// Returns the chain's blockchain explorer and its API (Etherscan and Etherscan-like) URLs.
/// Returns `(API_URL, BASE_URL)`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// assert_eq!(
/// Chain::Mainnet.etherscan_urls(),
/// Some(("", ""))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// Chain::Avalanche.etherscan_urls(),
/// Some(("", ""))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(Chain::AnvilHardhat.etherscan_urls(), None);
/// ```
pub const fn etherscan_urls(&self) -> Option<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
use Chain::*;
let urls = match self {
Mainnet => ("", ""),
Ropsten => ("", ""),
Kovan => ("", ""),
Rinkeby => ("", ""),
Goerli => ("", ""),
Sepolia => ("", ""),
Polygon => ("", ""),
PolygonMumbai => {
("", "")
Avalanche => ("", ""),
AvalancheFuji => {
("", "")
Optimism => {
("", "")
OptimismGoerli => (
OptimismKovan => (
Fantom => ("", ""),
FantomTestnet => ("", ""),
BinanceSmartChain => ("", ""),
BinanceSmartChainTestnet => {
("", "")
Arbitrum => ("", ""),
ArbitrumTestnet => {
("", "")
ArbitrumGoerli => ("", ""),
ArbitrumNova => ("", ""),
Cronos => ("", ""),
CronosTestnet => {
("", "")
Moonbeam => ("", ""),
Moonbase => ("", ""),
Moonriver => ("", ""),
// blockscout API is etherscan compatible
XDai => {
("", "")
Chiado => {
("", "")
FilecoinHyperspaceTestnet => {
("", "")
Sokol => ("", ""),
Poa => ("", ""),
Rsk => ("", ""),
Oasis => ("", ""),
Emerald => {
("", "")
EmeraldTestnet => (
Aurora => ("", ""),
AuroraTestnet => {
("", "")
Evmos => ("", ""),
EvmosTestnet => ("", ""),
Celo => ("", ""),
CeloAlfajores => {
("", "")
CeloBaklava => {
("", "")
Canto => ("", ""),
CantoTestnet => (
Boba => ("", ""),
AnvilHardhat | Dev | Morden | MoonbeamDev | FilecoinMainnet => {
// this is explicitly exhaustive so we don't forget to add new urls when adding a
// new chain
return None
/// Returns the chain's blockchain explorer's API key environment variable's default name.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// assert_eq!(Chain::Mainnet.etherscan_api_key_name(), Some("ETHERSCAN_API_KEY"));
/// assert_eq!(Chain::AnvilHardhat.etherscan_api_key_name(), None);
/// ```
pub const fn etherscan_api_key_name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
use Chain::*;
let api_key_name = match self {
Mainnet |
Morden |
Ropsten |
Kovan |
Rinkeby |
Goerli |
Optimism |
OptimismGoerli |
OptimismKovan |
BinanceSmartChain |
BinanceSmartChainTestnet |
Arbitrum |
ArbitrumTestnet |
ArbitrumGoerli |
ArbitrumNova |
Cronos |
CronosTestnet |
Aurora |
AuroraTestnet |
Celo |
CeloAlfajores |
CeloBaklava => "ETHERSCAN_API_KEY",
Avalanche | AvalancheFuji => "SNOWTRACE_API_KEY",
Polygon | PolygonMumbai => "POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY",
Fantom | FantomTestnet => "FTMSCAN_API_KEY",
Moonbeam | Moonbase | MoonbeamDev | Moonriver => "MOONSCAN_API_KEY",
Canto | CantoTestnet => "BLOCKSCOUT_API_KEY",
// Explicitly exhaustive. See NB above.
XDai |
Chiado |
Sepolia |
Rsk |
Sokol |
Poa |
Oasis |
Emerald |
EmeraldTestnet |
Evmos |
EvmosTestnet |
AnvilHardhat |
Dev |
FilecoinMainnet |
FilecoinHyperspaceTestnet => return None,
/// Returns the chain's blockchain explorer's API key, from the environment variable with the
/// name specified in [`etherscan_api_key_name`](Chain::etherscan_api_key_name).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// let chain = Chain::Mainnet;
/// std::env::set_var(chain.etherscan_api_key_name().unwrap(), "KEY");
/// assert_eq!(chain.etherscan_api_key().as_deref(), Some("KEY"));
/// ```
pub fn etherscan_api_key(&self) -> Option<String> {
self.etherscan_api_key_name().and_then(|name| std::env::var(name).ok())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
fn default() {
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&Chain::default()).unwrap(), "\"mainnet\"");
fn enum_iter() {
assert_eq!(Chain::COUNT, Chain::iter().size_hint().0);
fn roundtrip_string() {
for chain in Chain::iter() {
let chain_string = chain.to_string();
assert_eq!(chain_string, format!("{chain}"));
assert_eq!(chain_string.as_str(), chain.as_ref());
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&chain).unwrap(), format!("\"{chain_string}\""));
assert_eq!(chain_string.parse::<Chain>().unwrap(), chain);
fn roundtrip_serde() {
for chain in Chain::iter() {
let chain_string = serde_json::to_string(&chain).unwrap();
let chain_string = chain_string.replace('-', "_");
assert_eq!(serde_json::from_str::<'_, Chain>(&chain_string).unwrap(), chain);
fn aliases() {
use Chain::*;
// kebab-case
const ALIASES: &[(Chain, &[&str])] = &[
(Mainnet, &["ethlive"]),
(BinanceSmartChain, &["bsc", "binance-smart-chain"]),
(BinanceSmartChainTestnet, &["bsc-testnet", "binance-smart-chain-testnet"]),
(XDai, &["xdai", "gnosis", "gnosis-chain"]),
(PolygonMumbai, &["mumbai"]),
(AnvilHardhat, &["anvil", "hardhat"]),
(AvalancheFuji, &["fuji"]),
for &(chain, aliases) in ALIASES {
for &alias in aliases {
assert_eq!(alias.parse::<Chain>().unwrap(), chain);
let s = alias.to_string().replace('-', "_");
assert_eq!(serde_json::from_str::<Chain>(&format!("\"{s}\"")).unwrap(), chain);
fn serde_to_string_match() {
for chain in Chain::iter() {
let chain_serde = serde_json::to_string(&chain).unwrap();
let chain_string = format!("\"{}\"", chain.to_string());
assert_eq!(chain_serde, chain_string);