
69 lines
2.7 KiB

use anyhow::Result;
use ethers::{
utils::{Ganache, Solc},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
// Generate the type-safe contract bindings by providing the ABI
event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// 1. compile the contract (note this requires that you are inside the `ethers/examples` directory)
let compiled = Solc::new("./contract.sol").build()?;
let contract = compiled
.expect("could not find contract");
// 2. launch ganache
let port = 8546u64;
let url = format!("http://localhost:{}", port).to_string();
let _ganache = Ganache::new().port(port)
.mnemonic("abstract vacuum mammal awkward pudding scene penalty purchase dinner depart evoke puzzle")
// 3. instantiate our wallet
let wallet =
// 4. connect to the network
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(url.as_str())?;
// 5. instantiate the client with the wallet
let client = wallet.connect(provider);
// 6. create a factory which will be used to deploy instances of the contract
let factory = ContractFactory::new(contract.abi.clone(), contract.bytecode.clone(), &client);
// 7. deploy it with the constructor arguments
let contract = factory.deploy("initial value".to_string())?.send().await?;
// 8. get the contract's address
let addr = contract.address();
// 9. instantiate the contract
let contract = SimpleContract::new(addr, &client);
// 10. call the `setValue` method
let _tx_hash = contract.set_value("hi".to_owned()).send().await?;
// 11. get all events
let logs = contract
// 12. get the new value
let value = contract.get_value().call().await?;
println!("Value: {}. Logs: {}", value, serde_json::to_string(&logs)?);