use ethers::{ contract::{abigen, ContractFactory, Eip712, EthAbiType}, core::{ types::{transaction::eip712::Eip712, Address, Bytes, I256, U256}, utils::{keccak256, Anvil}, }, providers::Provider, signers::LocalWallet, solc::Solc, }; use std::sync::Arc; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_derive_eip712() { // Generate Contract ABI Bindings abigen!( DeriveEip712Test, "./ethers-contract/tests/solidity-contracts/derive_eip712_abi.json", event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize) ); // Create derived structs #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eip712, EthAbiType)] #[eip712( name = "Eip712Test", version = "1", chain_id = 1, verifying_contract = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", salt = "eip712-test-75F0CCte" )] struct FooBar { foo: I256, bar: U256, fizz: Bytes, buzz: [u8; 32], far: String, out: Address, } // get ABI and bytecode for the DeriveEip712Test contract const PATH: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/DeriveEip712Test.sol"); Solc::find_or_install_svm_version("0.6.0").unwrap(); // install solc let result = Solc::default().compile_source(PATH).unwrap(); let (abi, bytecode, _) = result .find("DeriveEip712Test") .expect("failed to get DeriveEip712Test contract") .into_parts_or_default(); // launch the network & connect to it let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn(); let from = anvil.addresses()[0]; let provider = Provider::try_from(anvil.endpoint()) .unwrap() .with_sender(from) .interval(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); let client = Arc::new(provider); let factory = ContractFactory::new(abi.clone(), bytecode.clone(), client.clone()); let contract = factory .deploy(()) .expect("failed to deploy DeriveEip712Test contract") .legacy() .send() .await .expect("failed to instantiate factory for DeriveEip712 contract"); let addr = contract.address(); let contract = DeriveEip712Test::new(addr, client.clone()); let foo_bar = FooBar { foo: I256::from(10u64), bar: U256::from(20u64), fizz: b"fizz".into(), buzz: keccak256("buzz"), far: String::from("space"), out: Address::from([0; 20]), }; let derived_foo_bar = derive_eip_712_test::FooBar { foo:, bar:, fizz: foo_bar.fizz.clone(), buzz:, far: foo_bar.far.clone(), out: foo_bar.out, }; use ethers::signers::Signer; let wallet: LocalWallet = anvil.keys()[0].clone().into(); let sig = wallet.sign_typed_data(&foo_bar).await.expect("failed to sign typed data"); let r = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(sig.r) .expect("failed to parse 'r' value from signature into [u8; 32]"); let s = <[u8; 32]>::try_from(sig.s) .expect("failed to parse 's' value from signature into [u8; 32]"); let v = u8::try_from(sig.v).expect("failed to parse 'v' value from signature into u8"); let domain_separator = contract .domain_separator() .call() .await .expect("failed to retrieve domain_separator from contract"); let type_hash = contract.type_hash().call().await.expect("failed to retrieve type_hash from contract"); let struct_hash = contract .struct_hash(derived_foo_bar.clone()) .call() .await .expect("failed to retrieve struct_hash from contract"); let encoded = contract .encode_eip_712(derived_foo_bar.clone()) .call() .await .expect("failed to retrieve eip712 encoded hash from contract"); let verify = contract .verify_foo_bar(wallet.address(), derived_foo_bar, r, s, v) .call() .await .expect("failed to verify signed typed data eip712 payload"); assert_eq!( domain_separator, foo_bar .domain() .expect("failed to return domain_separator from Eip712 implemented struct") .separator(), "domain separator does not match contract domain separator!" ); assert_eq!( type_hash, FooBar::type_hash().expect("failed to return type_hash from Eip712 implemented struct"), "type hash does not match contract struct type hash!" ); assert_eq!( struct_hash, foo_bar .clone() .struct_hash() .expect("failed to return struct_hash from Eip712 implemented struct"), "struct hash does not match contract struct hash!" ); assert_eq!( encoded, foo_bar .encode_eip712() .expect("failed to return domain_separator from Eip712 implemented struct"), "Encoded value does not match!" ); assert!(verify, "typed data signature failed!"); }