use semver::Version; use std::{ io, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use thiserror::Error; pub type Result = std::result::Result; /// Various error types #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum SolcError { /// Internal solc error #[error("Solc Error: {0}")] SolcError(String), #[error("Missing pragma from solidity file")] PragmaNotFound, #[error("Could not find solc version locally or upstream")] VersionNotFound, #[error("Checksum mismatch for {file}: expected {expected} found {detected} for {version}")] ChecksumMismatch { version: Version, expected: String, detected: String, file: PathBuf }, #[error(transparent)] SemverError(#[from] semver::Error), /// Deserialization error #[error(transparent)] SerdeJson(#[from] serde_json::Error), /// Filesystem IO error #[error(transparent)] Io(#[from] SolcIoError), #[error("File could not be resolved due to broken symlink: {0}.")] ResolveBadSymlink(SolcIoError), /// Failed to resolve a file #[error("Failed to resolve file: {0}.\n Check configured remappings.")] Resolve(SolcIoError), #[error("File cannot be resolved due to mismatch of file name case: {error}.\n Found existing file: {existing_file:?}\n Please check the case of the import.")] ResolveCaseSensitiveFileName { error: SolcIoError, existing_file: PathBuf }, #[error( r#"{0}. --> {1:?} {2:?}"# )] FailedResolveImport(Box, PathBuf, PathBuf), #[cfg(all(feature = "svm-solc", not(target_arch = "wasm32")))] #[error(transparent)] SvmError(#[from] svm::SolcVmError), #[error("No contracts found at \"{0}\"")] NoContracts(String), #[error(transparent)] PatternError(#[from] glob::PatternError), /// General purpose message #[error("{0}")] Message(String), #[error("No artifact found for `{}:{}`", .0.display(), .1)] ArtifactNotFound(PathBuf, String), #[cfg(feature = "project-util")] #[error(transparent)] FsExtra(#[from] fs_extra::error::Error), } impl SolcError { pub(crate) fn io(err: io::Error, path: impl Into) -> Self { SolcIoError::new(err, path).into() } pub(crate) fn solc(msg: impl Into) -> Self { SolcError::SolcError(msg.into()) } pub fn msg(msg: impl Into) -> Self { SolcError::Message(msg.into()) } } macro_rules! _format_err { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $crate::error::SolcError::msg(format!($($tt)*)) }; } #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) use _format_err as format_err; macro_rules! _bail { ($($tt:tt)*) => { return Err($crate::error::format_err!($($tt)*)) }; } #[allow(unused)] pub(crate) use _bail as bail; #[derive(Debug, Error)] #[error("\"{}\": {io}", self.path.display())] pub struct SolcIoError { io: io::Error, path: PathBuf, } impl SolcIoError { pub fn new(io: io::Error, path: impl Into) -> Self { Self { io, path: path.into() } } /// The path at which the error occurred pub fn path(&self) -> &Path { &self.path } /// The underlying `io::Error` pub fn source(&self) -> &io::Error { & } } impl From for io::Error { fn from(err: SolcIoError) -> Self { } }