use ethers::prelude::*; use eyre::Result; use std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc}; abigen!( UniswapV2Router, r#"[ removeLiquidity(address tokenA,address tokenB, uint liquidity,uint amountAMin, uint amountBMin, address to, uint ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB) ]"#, ); abigen!( UniswapV2Pair, r#"[ approve(address,uint256)(bool) getReserves()(uint112,uint112,uint32) token0()(address) token1()(address) ]"# ); // Remove liquidity from uniswap V2. // This example will remove 500 liquidity of 2 test tokens, TA and TB on goerli testnet. // This example uses pair contract and uniswap swap contract to remove liquidity. #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let provider = Arc::new({ // connect to the network let provider = Provider::::try_from( "", )?; let chain_id = provider.get_chainid().await?; // this wallet's private key let wallet = "8d978ca83c2e40b7a23933885e6c3bc795caea09374a04a03fbd4e228a06a406" .parse::()? .with_chain_id(chain_id.as_u64()); SignerMiddleware::new(provider, wallet) }); let pair = "0xA6108E4d436bE592bAc12F9A0aB7D9A10d821176".parse::
()?; let pair = UniswapV2Pair::new(pair, provider.clone()); let router = "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D".parse::
()?; let router = UniswapV2Router::new(router, provider.clone()); let (reserve0, reserve1, _) = pair.get_reserves().call().await?; println!("Reserves (token A, Token B): ({}, {})", reserve0, reserve1); let price = if reserve0 > reserve1 { 1000 * reserve0 / reserve1 } else { 1000 * reserve1 / reserve0 } / 1000; println!("token0 / token1 price = {}", price); let liquidity = 100.into(); println!("Approving the transaction!"); let receipt = pair.approve(router.address(), liquidity).send().await?.await?.expect("no receipt found"); println!("contract approved succesfully!"); println!("{:?}", receipt); println!("Removing {} liquidity!", liquidity); let token0 = pair.token_0().call().await?; let token1 = pair.token_1().call().await?; let receipt = router .remove_liquidity( token0, token1, liquidity, 0.into(), 0.into(), provider.address(), U256::MAX, ) .send() .await? .await? .expect("no receipt for remove_liquidity"); println!("liquidity removed succesfully!"); println!("{:?}", receipt); Ok(()) }