use ethers_core::types::{Address, Chain}; use std::env::VarError; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum EtherscanError { #[error("Chain {0} not supported")] ChainNotSupported(Chain), #[error("Contract execution call failed: {0}")] ExecutionFailed(String), #[error("Balance failed")] BalanceFailed, #[error("Transaction receipt failed")] TransactionReceiptFailed, #[error("Gas estimation failed")] GasEstimationFailed, #[error("Bad status code: {0}")] BadStatusCode(String), #[error(transparent)] EnvVarNotFound(#[from] VarError), #[error(transparent)] Reqwest(#[from] reqwest::Error), #[error(transparent)] Serde(#[from] serde_json::Error), #[error("Contract source code not verified: {0}")] ContractCodeNotVerified(Address), #[error("Rate limit exceeded")] RateLimitExceeded, #[error(transparent)] IO(#[from] std::io::Error), #[error("Local networks (e.g. anvil, ganache, geth --dev) cannot be indexed by etherscan")] LocalNetworksNotSupported, #[error("Unknown error: {0}")] Unknown(String), #[error("Missing field: {0}")] Builder(String), #[error("Missing solc version: {0}")] MissingSolcVersion(String), #[error("Invalid API Key")] InvalidApiKey, #[error("Sorry, you have been blocked by Cloudflare, See also")] BlockedByCloudflare, } /// etherscan/polyscan is protected by cloudflare, which can lead to html responses like `Sorry, you have been blocked` See also /// /// This returns true if the `txt` is a cloudflare error response pub(crate) fn is_blocked_by_cloudflare_response(txt: &str) -> bool { txt.to_lowercase().contains("sorry, you have been blocked") }