use ethers::signers::{coins_bip39::English, MnemonicBuilder}; fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { let phrase = "work man father plunge mystery proud hollow address reunion sauce theory bonus"; let index = 0u32; let password = "TREZOR123"; // Access mnemonic phrase with password // Child key at derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index} let wallet = MnemonicBuilder::::default() .phrase(phrase) .index(index)? // Use this if your mnemonic is encrypted .password(password) .build()?; dbg!(&wallet); // Generate a random wallet (24 word phrase) at custom derivation path let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let wallet = MnemonicBuilder::::default() .word_count(24) .derivation_path("m/44'/60'/0'/2/1")? // Optionally add this if you want the generated mnemonic to be written // to a file // .write_to(path) .build_random(&mut rng)?; dbg!(&wallet); Ok(()) }