#![cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] #[tokio::test] #[cfg(not(feature = "celo"))] async fn nonce_manager() { use ethers_core::types::*; use ethers_middleware::{nonce_manager::NonceManagerMiddleware, signer::SignerMiddleware}; use ethers_providers::Middleware; use ethers_signers::{LocalWallet, Signer}; use std::time::Duration; let provider = ethers_providers::GOERLI.provider().interval(Duration::from_millis(2000u64)); let chain_id = provider.get_chainid().await.unwrap().as_u64(); let wallet = std::env::var("GOERLI_PRIVATE_KEY") .unwrap() .parse::() .unwrap() .with_chain_id(chain_id); let address = wallet.address(); let provider = SignerMiddleware::new(provider, wallet); // the nonce manager must be over the Client so that it overrides the nonce // before the client gets it let provider = NonceManagerMiddleware::new(provider, address); let nonce = provider .get_transaction_count(address, Some(BlockNumber::Pending.into())) .await .unwrap() .as_u64(); let num_tx = 3; let mut tx_hashes = Vec::with_capacity(num_tx); for _ in 0..num_tx { let tx = provider .send_transaction( Eip1559TransactionRequest::new().to(address).value(100u64).chain_id(chain_id), None, ) .await .unwrap(); tx_hashes.push(*tx); } // sleep a bit to ensure there's no flakiness in the test std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(5, 0)); let mut nonces = Vec::with_capacity(num_tx); for tx_hash in tx_hashes { nonces.push(provider.get_transaction(tx_hash).await.unwrap().unwrap().nonce.as_u64()); } assert_eq!(nonces, (nonce..nonce + (num_tx as u64)).collect::>()) }