//! The RetryClient is a type that wraps around a JsonRpcClient and automatically retries failed //! requests using an exponential backoff and filtering based on a RetryPolicy. It presents as a //! JsonRpcClient, but with additional functionality for retrying requests. //! //! The RetryPolicy can be customized for specific applications and endpoints, mainly to handle //! rate-limiting errors. In addition to the RetryPolicy, errors caused by connectivity issues such //! as timed out connections or responses in the 5xx range can also be retried separately. use ethers::prelude::*; use reqwest::Url; use std::time::Duration; const RPC_URL: &str = "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/c60b0bb42f8a4c6481ecd229eddaca27"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { let provider = Http::new(Url::parse(RPC_URL)?); let client = RetryClientBuilder::default() .rate_limit_retries(10) .timeout_retries(3) .initial_backoff(Duration::from_millis(500)) .build(provider, Box::::default()); // Send a JSON-RPC request for the latest block let block_num = "latest".to_string(); let txn_details = false; let params = (block_num, txn_details); let block: Block = JsonRpcClient::request(&client, "eth_getBlockByNumber", params).await?; println!("{block:?}"); Ok(()) }