use ethers::{ contract::{Eip712, EthAbiType}, core::types::transaction::eip712::Eip712, types::{Address, U256}, }; // Generate the EIP712 permit hash to sign for a Uniswap V2 pair. // // #[derive(Eip712, EthAbiType, Clone)] #[eip712( name = "Uniswap V2", version = "1", chain_id = 1, verifying_contract = "0xB4e16d0168e52d35CaCD2c6185b44281Ec28C9Dc" )] struct Permit { owner: Address, spender: Address, value: U256, nonce: U256, deadline: U256, } fn main() { let permit = Permit { owner: Address::random(), spender: Address::random(), value: 100.into(), nonce: 0.into(), deadline: U256::MAX, }; let permit_hash = permit.encode_eip712().unwrap(); println!("Permit hash: 0x{}", hex::encode(permit_hash)); }