//! Manages compiling of a `Project` //! //! The compilation of a project is performed in several steps. //! //! First the project's dependency graph [`crate::Graph`] is constructed and all imported //! dependencies are resolved. The graph holds all the relationships between the files and their //! versions. From there the appropriate version set is derived //! [`crate::Graph::into_sources_by_version()`] which need to be compiled with different //! [`crate::Solc`] versions. //! //! At this point we check if we need to compile a source file or whether we can reuse an _existing_ //! `Artifact`. We don't to compile if: //! - caching is enabled //! - the file is **not** dirty [`Cache::is_dirty()`] //! - the artifact for that file exists //! //! This concludes the preprocessing, and we now have either //! - only `Source` files that need to be compiled //! - only cached `Artifacts`, compilation can be skipped. This is considered an unchanged, //! cached project //! - Mix of both `Source` and `Artifacts`, only the `Source` files need to be compiled, the //! `Artifacts` can be reused. //! //! The final step is invoking `Solc` via the standard JSON format. //! //! ### Notes on [Import Path Resolution](https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/develop/path-resolution.html#path-resolution) //! //! In order to be able to support reproducible builds on all platforms, the Solidity compiler has //! to abstract away the details of the filesystem where source files are stored. Paths used in //! imports must work the same way everywhere while the command-line interface must be able to work //! with platform-specific paths to provide good user experience. This section aims to explain in //! detail how Solidity reconciles these requirements. //! //! The compiler maintains an internal database (virtual filesystem or VFS for short) where each //! source unit is assigned a unique source unit name which is an opaque and unstructured //! identifier. When you use the import statement, you specify an import path that references a //! source unit name. If the compiler does not find any source unit name matching the import path in //! the VFS, it invokes the callback, which is responsible for obtaining the source code to be //! placed under that name. //! //! This becomes relevant when dealing with resolved imports //! //! #### Relative Imports //! //! ```solidity //! import "./math/math.sol"; //! import "contracts/tokens/token.sol"; //! ``` //! In the above `./math/math.sol` and `contracts/tokens/token.sol` are import paths while the //! source unit names they translate to are `contracts/math/math.sol` and //! `contracts/tokens/token.sol` respectively. //! //! #### Direct Imports //! //! An import that does not start with `./` or `../` is a direct import. //! //! ```solidity //! import "/project/lib/util.sol"; // source unit name: /project/lib/util.sol //! import "lib/util.sol"; // source unit name: lib/util.sol //! import "@openzeppelin/address.sol"; // source unit name: @openzeppelin/address.sol //! import "https://example.com/token.sol"; // source unit name: https://example.com/token.sol //! ``` //! //! After applying any import remappings the import path simply becomes the source unit name. //! //! ##### Import Remapping //! //! ```solidity //! import "github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/library/math.sol"; // source unit name: dapp-bin/library/math.sol //! ``` //! //! If compiled with `solc github.com/ethereum/dapp-bin/=dapp-bin/` the compiler will look for the //! file in the VFS under `dapp-bin/library/math.sol`. If the file is not available there, the //! source unit name will be passed to the Host Filesystem Loader, which will then look in //! `/project/dapp-bin/library/iterable_mapping.sol` use crate::{ artifact_output::Artifacts, artifacts::{Settings, VersionedSources}, cache::ArtifactsCache, error::Result, output::AggregatedCompilerOutput, report, resolver::GraphEdges, ArtifactOutput, CompilerInput, Graph, Project, ProjectCompileOutput, ProjectPathsConfig, Solc, Sources, }; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ProjectCompiler<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> { /// Contains the relationship of the source files and their imports edges: GraphEdges, project: &'a Project, /// how to compile all the sources sources: CompilerSources, } impl<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> ProjectCompiler<'a, T> { /// Create a new `ProjectCompiler` to bootstrap the compilation process of the project's /// sources. /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use ethers_solc::Project; /// /// let project = Project::builder().build().unwrap(); /// let output = project.compile().unwrap(); /// ``` #[cfg(all(feature = "svm", feature = "async"))] pub fn new(project: &'a Project) -> Result { Self::with_sources(project, project.paths.read_input_files()?) } /// Bootstraps the compilation process by resolving the dependency graph of all sources and the /// appropriate `Solc` -> `Sources` set as well as the compile mode to use (parallel, /// sequential) /// /// Multiple (`Solc` -> `Sources`) pairs can be compiled in parallel if the `Project` allows /// multiple `jobs`, see [`crate::Project::set_solc_jobs()`]. #[cfg(all(feature = "svm", feature = "async"))] pub fn with_sources(project: &'a Project, sources: Sources) -> Result { let graph = Graph::resolve_sources(&project.paths, sources)?; let (versions, edges) = graph.into_sources_by_version(project.offline)?; let sources_by_version = versions.get(&project.allowed_lib_paths)?; let sources = if project.solc_jobs > 1 && sources_by_version.len() > 1 { // if there are multiple different versions, and we can use multiple jobs we can compile // them in parallel CompilerSources::Parallel(sources_by_version, project.solc_jobs) } else { CompilerSources::Sequential(sources_by_version) }; Ok(Self { edges, project, sources }) } /// Compiles the sources with a pinned `Solc` instance pub fn with_sources_and_solc( project: &'a Project, sources: Sources, solc: Solc, ) -> Result { let version = solc.version()?; let (sources, edges) = Graph::resolve_sources(&project.paths, sources)?.into_sources(); let sources_by_version = BTreeMap::from([(solc, (version, sources))]); let sources = CompilerSources::Sequential(sources_by_version); Ok(Self { edges, project, sources }) } /// Compiles all the sources of the `Project` in the appropriate mode /// /// If caching is enabled, the sources are filtered and only _dirty_ sources are recompiled. /// /// The output of the compile process can be a mix of reused artifacts and freshly compiled /// `Contract`s /// /// # Example /// /// ```no_run /// use ethers_solc::Project; /// /// let project = Project::builder().build().unwrap(); /// let output = project.compile().unwrap(); /// ``` pub fn compile(self) -> Result> { // drive the compiler statemachine to completion self.preprocess()?.compile()?.write_artifacts()?.write_cache() } /// Does basic preprocessing /// - sets proper source unit names /// - check cache fn preprocess(self) -> Result> { let Self { edges, project, mut sources } = self; let mut cache = ArtifactsCache::new(project, edges)?; // retain and compile only dirty sources sources = sources.filtered(&mut cache); Ok(PreprocessedState { sources, cache }) } } /// A series of states that comprise the [`ProjectCompiler::compile()`] state machine /// /// The main reason is to debug all states individually #[derive(Debug)] struct PreprocessedState<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> { sources: CompilerSources, cache: ArtifactsCache<'a, T>, } impl<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> PreprocessedState<'a, T> { /// advance to the next state by compiling all sources fn compile(self) -> Result> { let PreprocessedState { sources, cache } = self; let output = sources.compile(&cache.project().solc_config.settings, &cache.project().paths)?; Ok(CompiledState { output, cache }) } } /// Represents the state after `solc` was successfully invoked #[derive(Debug)] struct CompiledState<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> { output: AggregatedCompilerOutput, cache: ArtifactsCache<'a, T>, } impl<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> CompiledState<'a, T> { /// advance to the next state by handling all artifacts /// /// Writes all output contracts to disk if enabled in the `Project` fn write_artifacts(self) -> Result> { let CompiledState { output, cache } = self; // write all artifacts let compiled_artifacts = if !cache.project().no_artifacts { T::on_output(&output.contracts, &cache.project().paths)? } else { T::output_to_artifacts(&output.contracts) }; Ok(ArtifactsState { output, cache, compiled_artifacts }) } } /// Represents the state after all artifacts were written to disk #[derive(Debug)] struct ArtifactsState<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> { output: AggregatedCompilerOutput, cache: ArtifactsCache<'a, T>, compiled_artifacts: Artifacts, } impl<'a, T: ArtifactOutput> ArtifactsState<'a, T> { /// Writes the cache file /// /// this concludes the [`Project::compile()`] statemachine fn write_cache(self) -> Result> { let ArtifactsState { output, cache, compiled_artifacts } = self; let ignored_error_codes = cache.project().ignored_error_codes.clone(); let cached_artifacts = cache.write_cache(&compiled_artifacts)?; Ok(ProjectCompileOutput { compiler_output: output, compiled_artifacts, cached_artifacts, ignored_error_codes, }) } } /// Determines how the `solc <-> sources` pairs are executed #[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[allow(dead_code)] enum CompilerSources { /// Compile all these sequentially Sequential(VersionedSources), /// Compile all these in parallel using a certain amount of jobs Parallel(VersionedSources, usize), } impl CompilerSources { /// Filters out all sources that don't need to be compiled, see [`ArtifactsCache::filter`] fn filtered(self, cache: &mut ArtifactsCache) -> Self { fn filtered_sources( sources: VersionedSources, cache: &mut ArtifactsCache, ) -> VersionedSources { sources .into_iter() .map(|(solc, (version, sources))| { let sources = cache.filter(sources, &version); (solc, (version, sources)) }) .collect() } match self { CompilerSources::Sequential(s) => { CompilerSources::Sequential(filtered_sources(s, cache)) } CompilerSources::Parallel(s, j) => { CompilerSources::Parallel(filtered_sources(s, cache), j) } } } /// Compiles all the files with `Solc` fn compile( self, settings: &Settings, paths: &ProjectPathsConfig, ) -> Result { match self { CompilerSources::Sequential(input) => compile_sequential(input, settings, paths), CompilerSources::Parallel(input, j) => compile_parallel(input, j, settings, paths), } } #[cfg(test)] #[allow(unused)] fn sources(&self) -> &VersionedSources { match self { CompilerSources::Sequential(v) => v, CompilerSources::Parallel(v, _) => v, } } } /// Compiles the input set sequentially and returns an aggregated set of the solc `CompilerOutput`s fn compile_sequential( input: VersionedSources, settings: &Settings, paths: &ProjectPathsConfig, ) -> Result { let mut aggregated = AggregatedCompilerOutput::default(); tracing::trace!("compiling {} jobs sequentially", input.len()); for (solc, (version, sources)) in input { if sources.is_empty() { // nothing to compile continue } tracing::trace!( "compiling {} sources with solc \"{}\" {:?}", sources.len(), solc.as_ref().display(), solc.args ); let input = CompilerInput::with_sources(sources) .settings(settings.clone()) .normalize_evm_version(&version) .with_remappings(paths.remappings.clone()); tracing::trace!( "calling solc `{}` with {} sources {:?}", version, input.sources.len(), input.sources.keys() ); report::solc_spawn(&solc, &version, &input); let output = solc.compile_exact(&input)?; report::solc_success(&solc, &version, &output); tracing::trace!("compiled input, output has error: {}", output.has_error()); aggregated.extend(version, output); } Ok(aggregated) } /// compiles the input set using `num_jobs` threads fn compile_parallel( input: VersionedSources, num_jobs: usize, settings: &Settings, paths: &ProjectPathsConfig, ) -> Result { debug_assert!(num_jobs > 1); tracing::trace!( "compile {} sources in parallel using up to {} solc jobs", input.len(), num_jobs ); let mut jobs = Vec::with_capacity(input.len()); for (solc, (version, sources)) in input { if sources.is_empty() { // nothing to compile continue } let job = CompilerInput::with_sources(sources) .settings(settings.clone()) .normalize_evm_version(&version) .with_remappings(paths.remappings.clone()); jobs.push((solc, version, job)) } // start a rayon threadpool that will execute all `Solc::compile()` processes let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().num_threads(num_jobs).build().unwrap(); let outputs = pool.install(move || { jobs.into_par_iter() .map(|(solc, version, input)| { tracing::trace!( "calling solc `{}` {:?} with {} sources: {:?}", version, solc.args, input.sources.len(), input.sources.keys() ); report::solc_spawn(&solc, &version, &input); solc.compile(&input).map(move |output| { report::solc_success(&solc, &version, &output); (version, output) }) }) .collect::>>() })?; let mut aggregated = AggregatedCompilerOutput::default(); aggregated.extend_all(outputs); Ok(aggregated) } #[cfg(test)] #[cfg(feature = "project-util")] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{project_util::TempProject, MinimalCombinedArtifacts}; use std::path::PathBuf; #[allow(unused)] fn init_tracing() { let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .try_init() .ok(); } #[test] fn can_preprocess() { let root = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("test-data/dapp-sample"); let project = Project::builder().paths(ProjectPathsConfig::dapptools(root).unwrap()).build().unwrap(); let compiler = ProjectCompiler::new(&project).unwrap(); let prep = compiler.preprocess().unwrap(); let cache = prep.cache.as_cached().unwrap(); // 3 contracts assert_eq!(cache.dirty_source_files.len(), 3); assert!(cache.filtered.is_empty()); assert!(cache.cache.is_empty()); let compiled = prep.compile().unwrap(); assert_eq!(compiled.output.contracts.files().count(), 3); } #[test] fn can_detect_cached_files() { let root = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("test-data/dapp-sample"); let paths = ProjectPathsConfig::builder().sources(root.join("src")).lib(root.join("lib")); let project = TempProject::::new(paths).unwrap(); let compiled = project.compile().unwrap(); assert!(!compiled.has_compiler_errors()); let inner = project.project(); let compiler = ProjectCompiler::new(inner).unwrap(); let prep = compiler.preprocess().unwrap(); assert!(prep.cache.as_cached().unwrap().dirty_source_files.is_empty()) } #[test] #[ignore] fn can_compile_real_project() { init_tracing(); let paths = ProjectPathsConfig::builder() .root("../../foundry-integration-tests/testdata/solmate") .build() .unwrap(); let project = Project::builder().paths(paths).build().unwrap(); let compiler = ProjectCompiler::new(&project).unwrap(); let out = compiler.compile().unwrap(); println!("{}", out); } }