use ethers_core::types::Address; use std::path::PathBuf; use eyre::Result; use inflector::Inflector; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::quote; use syn::{Ident as SynIdent, Path}; /// Expands a identifier string into a token. pub fn ident(name: &str) -> Ident { Ident::new(name, Span::call_site()) } /// Expands an identifier string into a token and appending `_` if the /// identifier is for a reserved keyword. /// /// Parsing keywords like `self` can fail, in this case we add an underscore. pub fn safe_ident(name: &str) -> Ident { syn::parse_str::(name).unwrap_or_else(|_| ident(&format!("{}_", name))) } /// Converts a `&str` to `snake_case` `String` while respecting identifier rules pub fn safe_snake_case(ident: &str) -> String { safe_identifier_name(ident.to_snake_case()) } /// Converts a `&str` to `PascalCase` `String` while respecting identifier rules pub fn safe_pascal_case(ident: &str) -> String { safe_identifier_name(ident.to_pascal_case()) } /// respects identifier rules, such as, an identifier must not start with a numeric char fn safe_identifier_name(name: String) -> String { if name.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_numeric()) { format!("_{}", name) } else { name } } /// Expands an identifier as snakecase and preserve any leading or trailing underscores pub fn safe_snake_case_ident(name: &str) -> Ident { let i = name.to_snake_case(); ident(&preserve_underscore_delim(&i, name)) } /// Expands an identifier as pascal case and preserve any leading or trailing underscores pub fn safe_pascal_case_ident(name: &str) -> Ident { let i = name.to_pascal_case(); ident(&preserve_underscore_delim(&i, name)) } /// Reapplies leading and trailing underscore chars to the ident /// Example `ident = "pascalCase"; alias = __pascalcase__` -> `__pascalCase__` pub fn preserve_underscore_delim(ident: &str, alias: &str) -> String { alias .chars() .take_while(|c| *c == '_') .chain(ident.chars()) .chain(alias.chars().rev().take_while(|c| *c == '_')) .collect() } /// Expands a positional identifier string that may be empty. /// /// Note that this expands the parameter name with `safe_ident`, meaning that /// identifiers that are reserved keywords get `_` appended to them. pub fn expand_input_name(index: usize, name: &str) -> TokenStream { let name_str = match name { "" => format!("p{}", index), n => n.to_snake_case(), }; let name = safe_ident(&name_str); quote! { #name } } /// Expands a doc string into an attribute token stream. pub fn expand_doc(s: &str) -> TokenStream { let doc = Literal::string(s); quote! { #[doc = #doc] } } pub fn expand_derives(derives: &[Path]) -> TokenStream { quote! {#(#derives),*} } /// Parses the given address string pub fn parse_address(address_str: S) -> Result
where S: AsRef, { let address_str = address_str.as_ref(); eyre::ensure!(address_str.starts_with("0x"), "address must start with '0x'"); Ok(address_str[2..].parse()?) } /// Perform an HTTP GET request and return the contents of the response. #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] pub fn http_get(_url: &str) -> Result { cfg_if::cfg_if! { if #[cfg(feature = "reqwest")]{ Ok(reqwest::blocking::get(_url)?.text()?) } else { eyre::bail!("HTTP is unsupported") } } } /// Replaces any occurrences of env vars in the `raw` str with their value pub fn resolve_path(raw: &str) -> Result { let mut unprocessed = raw; let mut resolved = String::new(); while let Some(dollar_sign) = unprocessed.find('$') { let (head, tail) = unprocessed.split_at(dollar_sign); resolved.push_str(head); match parse_identifier(&tail[1..]) { Some((variable, rest)) => { let value = std::env::var(variable)?; resolved.push_str(&value); unprocessed = rest; } None => { eyre::bail!("Unable to parse a variable from \"{}\"", tail) } } } resolved.push_str(unprocessed); Ok(PathBuf::from(resolved)) } fn parse_identifier(text: &str) -> Option<(&str, &str)> { let mut calls = 0; let (head, tail) = take_while(text, |c| { calls += 1; match c { '_' => true, letter if letter.is_ascii_alphabetic() => true, digit if digit.is_ascii_digit() && calls > 1 => true, _ => false, } }); if head.is_empty() { None } else { Some((head, tail)) } } fn take_while(s: &str, mut predicate: impl FnMut(char) -> bool) -> (&str, &str) { let mut index = 0; for c in s.chars() { if predicate(c) { index += c.len_utf8(); } else { break } } s.split_at(index) } /// Returns a list of absolute paths to all the json files under the root pub fn json_files(root: impl AsRef) -> Vec { walkdir::WalkDir::new(root) .into_iter() .filter_map(Result::ok) .filter(|e| e.file_type().is_file()) .filter(|e| e.path().extension().map(|ext| ext == "json").unwrap_or_default()) .map(|e| e.path().into()) .collect() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn can_resolve_path() { let raw = "./$ENV_VAR"; std::env::set_var("ENV_VAR", "file.txt"); let resolved = resolve_path(raw).unwrap(); assert_eq!(resolved.to_str().unwrap(), "./file.txt"); } #[test] fn input_name_to_ident_empty() { assert_quote!(expand_input_name(0, ""), { p0 }); } #[test] fn input_name_to_ident_keyword() { assert_quote!(expand_input_name(0, "self"), { self_ }); } #[test] fn input_name_to_ident_snake_case() { assert_quote!(expand_input_name(0, "CamelCase1"), { camel_case_1 }); } #[test] fn parse_address_missing_prefix() { assert!( parse_address("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000").is_err(), "parsing address not starting with 0x should fail" ); } #[test] fn parse_address_address_too_short() { assert!( parse_address("0x00000000000000").is_err(), "parsing address not starting with 0x should fail" ); } #[test] fn parse_address_ok() { let expected = Address::from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]); assert_eq!(parse_address("0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213").unwrap(), expected); } }