#!/usr/bin/env bash # Installs Solc and Geth binaries # Note: intended for use only with CI (x86_64 Ubuntu, MacOS or Windows) set -e GETH_BUILD=${GETH_BUILD:-"1.11.2-73b01f40"} BIN_DIR=${BIN_DIR:-"$HOME/bin"} PLATFORM="$(uname -s | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" if [ "$PLATFORM" != "linux" ] && [ "$PLATFORM" != "darwin" ]; then EXT=".exe" fi main() { mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR" cd "$BIN_DIR" export PATH="$BIN_DIR:$PATH" if [ "$GITHUB_PATH" ]; then echo "$BIN_DIR" >> "$GITHUB_PATH" fi install_geth & g=$! install_solc & wait $g $! echo "" echo "Installed Geth:" geth version echo "" echo "Installed Solc:" solc --version } # Installs geth from https://geth.ethereum.org/downloads install_geth() { case "$PLATFORM" in linux|darwin) name="geth-$PLATFORM-amd64-$GETH_BUILD" curl -s "https://gethstore.blob.core.windows.net/builds/$name.tar.gz" | tar -xzf - mv -f "$name/geth" ./ rm -rf "$name" chmod +x geth ;; *) name="geth-windows-amd64-$GETH_BUILD" zip="$name.zip" curl -so "$zip" "https://gethstore.blob.core.windows.net/builds/$zip" unzip "$zip" mv -f "$name/geth.exe" ./ rm -rf "$name" "$zip" ;; esac } # Installs solc from https://binaries.soliditylang.org (https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin) install_solc() { bins_url="https://binaries.soliditylang.org" case "$PLATFORM" in linux) bins_url+="/linux-amd64";; darwin) bins_url+="/macosx-amd64";; *) bins_url+="/windows-amd64";; esac list=$(curl -s "$bins_url/list.json") # use latest version if [ -z "$SOLC_VERSION" ]; then SOLC_VERSION="$(echo "$list" | jq -r ".latestRelease")" fi bin=$(echo "$list" | jq -r ".releases[\"$SOLC_VERSION\"]") if [ "$bin" = "null" ]; then echo "Invalid Solc version: $SOLC_VERSION" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # windows versions <= 0.7.1 use .zip if [[ "$bin" = *.zip ]]; then echo "Cannot install solc <= 0.7.1" 1>&2 exit 1 fi curl -so "$bin" "$bins_url/$bin" mv -f "$bin" "solc$EXT" chmod +x "solc$EXT" } main