feat(etherscan): add ClientBuilder type (#1193)

* style: clean up order

* feat(etherscan): add client builder

* fix: set correct field
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Seitz 2022-04-29 13:25:52 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent c81254a8b6
commit 281913b187
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 229 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -31,4 +31,6 @@ pub enum EtherscanError {
#[error("Unknown error: {0}")]
#[error("Missing field: {0}")]

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use std::{
use contract::ContractMetadata;
use reqwest::{header, Url};
use reqwest::{header, IntoUrl, Url};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use tracing::trace;
@ -42,82 +42,22 @@ pub struct Client {
cache: Option<Cache>,
/// A wrapper around an Etherscan cache object with an expiry
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct CacheEnvelope<T> {
expiry: u64,
data: T,
/// Simple cache for etherscan requests
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Cache {
root: PathBuf,
ttl: Duration,
impl Cache {
fn new(root: PathBuf, ttl: Duration) -> Self {
Self { root, ttl }
fn get_abi(&self, address: Address) -> Option<Option<ethers_core::abi::Abi>> {
self.get("abi", address)
fn set_abi(&self, address: Address, abi: Option<&Abi>) {
self.set("abi", address, abi)
fn get_source(&self, address: Address) -> Option<Option<ContractMetadata>> {
self.get("sources", address)
fn set_source(&self, address: Address, source: Option<&ContractMetadata>) {
self.set("sources", address, source)
fn set<T: Serialize>(&self, prefix: &str, address: Address, item: T) {
let path = self.root.join(prefix).join(format!("{:?}.json", address));
let writer = std::fs::File::create(path).ok().map(std::io::BufWriter::new);
if let Some(mut writer) = writer {
let _ = serde_json::to_writer(
&mut writer,
&CacheEnvelope {
expiry: SystemTime::now()
.expect("cache ttl overflowed")
.expect("system time is before unix epoch")
data: item,
let _ = writer.flush();
fn get<T: DeserializeOwned>(&self, prefix: &str, address: Address) -> Option<T> {
let path = self.root.join(prefix).join(format!("{:?}.json", address));
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(path).ok()?);
if let Ok(inner) = serde_json::from_reader::<_, CacheEnvelope<T>>(reader) {
// If this does not return None then we have passed the expiry
if SystemTime::now()
.expect("system time is before unix epoch")
return None
return Some(inner.data)
impl Client {
/// Creates a `ClientBuilder` to configure a `Client`.
/// This is the same as `ClientBuilder::default()`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use ethers_core::types::Chain;
/// use ethers_etherscan::Client;
/// let client = Client::builder().with_api_key("<API KEY>").chain(Chain::Mainnet).unwrap().build().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn builder() -> ClientBuilder {
/// Creates a new instance that caches etherscan requests
pub fn new_cached(
chain: Chain,
api_key: impl Into<String>,
@ -131,76 +71,7 @@ impl Client {
/// Create a new client with the correct endpoints based on the chain and provided API key
pub fn new(chain: Chain, api_key: impl Into<String>) -> Result<Self> {
let (etherscan_api_url, etherscan_url) = match chain {
Chain::Mainnet => {
(Url::parse("https://api.etherscan.io/api"), Url::parse("https://etherscan.io"))
Chain::Ropsten | Chain::Kovan | Chain::Rinkeby | Chain::Goerli => {
let chain_name = chain.to_string().to_lowercase();
Url::parse(&format!("https://api-{}.etherscan.io/api", chain_name)),
Url::parse(&format!("https://{}.etherscan.io", chain_name)),
Chain::Polygon => (
Chain::PolygonMumbai => (
Chain::Avalanche => {
(Url::parse("https://api.snowtrace.io/api"), Url::parse("https://snowtrace.io"))
Chain::AvalancheFuji => (
Chain::Optimism => (
Chain::OptimismKovan => (
Chain::Fantom => {
(Url::parse("https://api.ftmscan.com/api"), Url::parse("https://ftmscan.com"))
Chain::FantomTestnet => (
Chain::BinanceSmartChain => {
(Url::parse("https://api.bscscan.com/api"), Url::parse("https://bscscan.com"))
Chain::BinanceSmartChainTestnet => (
Chain::Arbitrum => {
(Url::parse("https://api.arbiscan.io/api"), Url::parse("https://arbiscan.io"))
Chain::ArbitrumTestnet => (
Chain::Cronos => {
(Url::parse("https://api.cronoscan.com/api"), Url::parse("https://cronoscan.com"))
Chain::Dev => return Err(EtherscanError::LocalNetworksNotSupported),
chain => return Err(EtherscanError::ChainNotSupported(chain)),
Ok(Self {
client: Default::default(),
api_key: api_key.into(),
etherscan_api_url: etherscan_api_url.expect("is valid http"),
etherscan_url: etherscan_url.expect("is valid http"),
cache: None,
/// Create a new client with the correct endpoints based on the chain and API key
@ -319,6 +190,216 @@ impl Client {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ClientBuilder {
/// Client that executes HTTP requests
client: Option<reqwest::Client>,
/// Etherscan API key
api_key: Option<String>,
/// Etherscan API endpoint like <https://api(-chain).etherscan.io/api>
etherscan_api_url: Option<Url>,
/// Etherscan base endpoint like <https://etherscan.io>
etherscan_url: Option<Url>,
/// Path to where ABI files should be cached
cache: Option<Cache>,
// === impl ClientBuilder ===
impl ClientBuilder {
/// Configures the etherscan url and api url for the given chain
/// # Errors
/// Fails if the chain is not supported by etherscan
pub fn chain(self, chain: Chain) -> Result<Self> {
fn urls(
api: impl IntoUrl,
url: impl IntoUrl,
) -> (reqwest::Result<Url>, reqwest::Result<Url>) {
(api.into_url(), url.into_url())
let (etherscan_api_url, etherscan_url) = match chain {
Chain::Mainnet => urls("https://api.etherscan.io/api", "https://etherscan.io"),
Chain::Ropsten | Chain::Kovan | Chain::Rinkeby | Chain::Goerli => {
let chain_name = chain.to_string().to_lowercase();
format!("https://api-{}.etherscan.io/api", chain_name),
format!("https://{}.etherscan.io", chain_name),
Chain::Polygon => urls("https://api.polygonscan.com/api", "https://polygonscan.com"),
Chain::PolygonMumbai => {
urls("https://api-testnet.polygonscan.com/api", "https://mumbai.polygonscan.com")
Chain::Avalanche => urls("https://api.snowtrace.io/api", "https://snowtrace.io"),
Chain::AvalancheFuji => {
urls("https://api-testnet.snowtrace.io/api", "https://testnet.snowtrace.io")
Chain::Optimism => {
urls("https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api", "https://optimistic.etherscan.io")
Chain::OptimismKovan => urls(
Chain::Fantom => urls("https://api.ftmscan.com/api", "https://ftmscan.com"),
Chain::FantomTestnet => {
urls("https://api-testnet.ftmscan.com/api", "https://testnet.ftmscan.com")
Chain::BinanceSmartChain => urls("https://api.bscscan.com/api", "https://bscscan.com"),
Chain::BinanceSmartChainTestnet => {
urls("https://api-testnet.bscscan.com/api", "https://testnet.bscscan.com")
Chain::Arbitrum => urls("https://api.arbiscan.io/api", "https://arbiscan.io"),
Chain::ArbitrumTestnet => {
urls("https://api-testnet.arbiscan.io/api", "https://testnet.arbiscan.io")
Chain::Cronos => urls("https://api.cronoscan.com/api", "https://cronoscan.com"),
Chain::Dev => return Err(EtherscanError::LocalNetworksNotSupported),
chain => return Err(EtherscanError::ChainNotSupported(chain)),
/// Configures the etherscan url
/// # Errors
/// Fails if the `etherscan_url` is not a valid `Url`
pub fn with_url(mut self, etherscan_url: impl IntoUrl) -> Result<Self> {
self.etherscan_url = Some(etherscan_url.into_url()?);
/// Configures the `reqwest::Client`
pub fn with_client(mut self, client: reqwest::Client) -> Self {
self.client = Some(client);
/// Configures the etherscan api url
/// # Errors
/// Fails if the `etherscan_api_url` is not a valid `Url`
pub fn with_api_url(mut self, etherscan_api_url: impl IntoUrl) -> Result<Self> {
self.etherscan_api_url = Some(etherscan_api_url.into_url()?);
/// Configures the etherscan api key
pub fn with_api_key(mut self, api_key: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.api_key = Some(api_key.into());
/// Configures cache for etherscan request
pub fn with_cache(mut self, cache_root: Option<PathBuf>, cache_ttl: Duration) -> Self {
self.cache = cache_root.map(|root| Cache::new(root, cache_ttl));
/// Returns a Client that uses this ClientBuilder configuration.
/// # Errors
/// if required fields are missing:
/// - `api_key`
/// - `etherscan_api_url`
/// - `etherscan_url`
pub fn build(self) -> Result<Client> {
let ClientBuilder { client, api_key, etherscan_api_url, etherscan_url, cache } = self;
let client = Client {
client: client.unwrap_or_default(),
api_key: api_key
.ok_or_else(|| EtherscanError::Builder("etherscan api key".to_string()))?,
etherscan_api_url: etherscan_api_url
.ok_or_else(|| EtherscanError::Builder("etherscan api url".to_string()))?,
etherscan_url: etherscan_url
.ok_or_else(|| EtherscanError::Builder("etherscan url".to_string()))?,
/// A wrapper around an Etherscan cache object with an expiry
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct CacheEnvelope<T> {
expiry: u64,
data: T,
/// Simple cache for etherscan requests
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Cache {
root: PathBuf,
ttl: Duration,
impl Cache {
fn new(root: PathBuf, ttl: Duration) -> Self {
Self { root, ttl }
fn get_abi(&self, address: Address) -> Option<Option<ethers_core::abi::Abi>> {
self.get("abi", address)
fn set_abi(&self, address: Address, abi: Option<&Abi>) {
self.set("abi", address, abi)
fn get_source(&self, address: Address) -> Option<Option<ContractMetadata>> {
self.get("sources", address)
fn set_source(&self, address: Address, source: Option<&ContractMetadata>) {
self.set("sources", address, source)
fn set<T: Serialize>(&self, prefix: &str, address: Address, item: T) {
let path = self.root.join(prefix).join(format!("{:?}.json", address));
let writer = std::fs::File::create(path).ok().map(std::io::BufWriter::new);
if let Some(mut writer) = writer {
let _ = serde_json::to_writer(
&mut writer,
&CacheEnvelope {
expiry: SystemTime::now()
.expect("cache ttl overflowed")
.expect("system time is before unix epoch")
data: item,
let _ = writer.flush();
fn get<T: DeserializeOwned>(&self, prefix: &str, address: Address) -> Option<T> {
let path = self.root.join(prefix).join(format!("{:?}.json", address));
let reader = std::io::BufReader::new(std::fs::File::open(path).ok()?);
if let Ok(inner) = serde_json::from_reader::<_, CacheEnvelope<T>>(reader) {
// If this does not return None then we have passed the expiry
if SystemTime::now()
.expect("system time is before unix epoch")
return None
return Some(inner.data)
/// The API response type
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)]
pub struct Response<T> {