
563 lines
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2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
use super::{types, util, Context};
use ethers_abi::{Event, EventExt, EventParam, Hash, ParamType};
use anyhow::Result;
use inflector::Inflector;
use proc_macro2::{Literal, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::Path;
impl Context {
/// Expands each event to a struct + its impl Detokenize block
pub fn events_declaration(&self) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let data_types = self
.map(|event| expand_event(event, &self.event_derives))
if data_types.is_empty() {
return Ok(quote! {});
Ok(quote! {
#( #data_types )*
pub fn events(&self) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let data_types = self
.map(|event| expand_filter(event))
if data_types.is_empty() {
return Ok(quote! {});
Ok(quote! {
#( #data_types )*
/// Expands into a single method for contracting an event stream.
fn expand_filter(event: &Event) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let name = util::safe_ident(&;
let ev_name = Literal::string(&;
let result = util::ident(&;
let doc = util::expand_doc(&format!("Gets the contract's `{}` event",;
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
Ok(quote! {
2020-05-27 15:43:43 +00:00
pub fn #name<'b>(&'a self) -> Event<'a, 'b, P, N, #result> where 'a: 'b, {
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
self.0.event(#ev_name).expect("event not found (this should never happen)")
/// Expands an ABI event into a single event data type. This can expand either
/// into a structure or a tuple in the case where all event parameters (topics
/// and data) are anonymous.
fn expand_event(event: &Event, event_derives: &[Path]) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let event_name = expand_struct_name(event);
let signature = expand_hash(event.signature());
let abi_signature = event.abi_signature();
let abi_signature_lit = Literal::string(&abi_signature);
let abi_signature_doc = util::expand_doc(&format!("`{}`", abi_signature));
let params = expand_params(event)?;
// expand as a tuple if all fields are anonymous
let all_anonymous_fields = event.inputs.iter().all(|input|;
let (data_type_definition, data_type_construction) = if all_anonymous_fields {
expand_data_tuple(&event_name, &params)
} else {
expand_data_struct(&event_name, &params)
// read each token parameter as the required data type
let params_len = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(params.len());
let read_param_token = params
.map(|(name, ty)| {
quote! {
let #name = #ty::from_token("this should never happen"))?;
let derives = expand_derives(event_derives);
Ok(quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, #derives)]
pub #data_type_definition
impl #event_name {
/// Retrieves the signature for the event this data corresponds to.
/// This signature is the Keccak-256 hash of the ABI signature of
/// this event.
pub const fn signature() -> H256 {
/// Retrieves the ABI signature for the event this data corresponds
/// to. For this event the value should always be:
pub const fn abi_signature() -> &'static str {
impl Detokenize for #event_name {
fn from_tokens(
tokens: Vec<Token>,
) -> Result<Self, InvalidOutputType> {
if tokens.len() != #params_len {
return Err(InvalidOutputType(format!(
"Expected {} tokens, got {}: {:?}",
let mut tokens = tokens.into_iter();
#( #read_param_token )*
/// Expands an ABI event into an identifier for its event data type.
fn expand_struct_name(event: &Event) -> TokenStream {
let event_name = util::ident(&;
quote! { #event_name }
/// Expands an ABI event into name-type pairs for each of its parameters.
fn expand_params(event: &Event) -> Result<Vec<(TokenStream, TokenStream)>> {
.map(|(i, input)| {
// NOTE: Events can contain nameless values.
let name = util::expand_input_name(i, &;
let ty = expand_input_type(&input)?;
Ok((name, ty))
/// Expands an event data structure from its name-type parameter pairs. Returns
/// a tuple with the type definition (i.e. the struct declaration) and
/// construction (i.e. code for creating an instance of the event data).
fn expand_data_struct(
name: &TokenStream,
params: &[(TokenStream, TokenStream)],
) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) {
let fields = params
.map(|(name, ty)| quote! { pub #name: #ty })
let param_names = params
.map(|(name, _)| name)
let definition = quote! { struct #name { #( #fields, )* } };
let construction = quote! { #name { #( #param_names ),* } };
(definition, construction)
/// Expands an event data named tuple from its name-type parameter pairs.
/// Returns a tuple with the type definition and construction.
fn expand_data_tuple(
name: &TokenStream,
params: &[(TokenStream, TokenStream)],
) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) {
let fields = params
.map(|(_, ty)| quote! { pub #ty })
let param_names = params
.map(|(name, _)| name)
let definition = quote! { struct #name( #( #fields ),* ); };
let construction = quote! { #name( #( #param_names ),* ) };
(definition, construction)
/// Expands an ABI event into filter methods for its indexed parameters.
fn expand_builder_topic_filters(event: &Event) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let topic_filters = event
.filter(|input| input.indexed)
.map(|(topic_index, input)| expand_builder_topic_filter(topic_index, input))
Ok(quote! {
#( #topic_filters )*
/// Expands a event parameter into an event builder filter method for the
/// specified topic index.
fn expand_builder_topic_filter(topic_index: usize, param: &EventParam) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let doc = util::expand_doc(&format!(
"Adds a filter for the `{}` event parameter.",,
let topic = util::ident(&format!("topic{}", topic_index));
let name = if {
} else {
let ty = expand_input_type(&param)?;
Ok(quote! {
pub fn #name(mut self, topic: Topic<#ty>) -> Self {
self.0 = (self.0).#topic(topic);
/// Expands an ABI event into an identifier for its event data type.
fn expand_builder_name(event: &Event) -> TokenStream {
let builder_name = util::ident(&format!("{}Builder", &;
quote! { #builder_name }
fn expand_derives(derives: &[Path]) -> TokenStream {
quote! {#(#derives),*}
/// Expands an event property type.
/// Note that this is slightly different than an expanding a Solidity type as
/// complex types like arrays and strings get emited as hashes when they are
/// indexed.
fn expand_input_type(input: &EventParam) -> Result<TokenStream> {
Ok(match (&input.kind, input.indexed) {
(ParamType::Array(..), true)
| (ParamType::Bytes, true)
| (ParamType::FixedArray(..), true)
| (ParamType::String, true)
| (ParamType::Tuple(..), true) => {
quote! { H256 }
(kind, _) => types::expand(kind)?,
/// Expands a 256-bit `Hash` into a literal representation that can be used with
/// quasi-quoting for code generation. We do this to avoid allocating at runtime
fn expand_hash(hash: Hash) -> TokenStream {
let bytes = hash.as_bytes().iter().copied().map(Literal::u8_unsuffixed);
quote! {
H256([#( #bytes ),*])
mod tests {
use super::*;
use ethers_abi::{EventParam, ParamType};
fn expand_transfer_filter() {
let event = Event {
name: "Transfer".into(),
inputs: vec![
EventParam {
name: "from".into(),
kind: ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
EventParam {
name: "to".into(),
kind: ParamType::Address,
indexed: true,
EventParam {
name: "amount".into(),
kind: ParamType::Uint(256),
indexed: false,
anonymous: false,
assert_quote!(expand_filter(&event).unwrap(), {
#[doc = "Gets the contract's `Transfer` event"]
2020-05-27 15:43:43 +00:00
pub fn transfer<'b>(&'a self) -> Event<'a, 'b, P, N, Transfer>
'a: 'b,
.expect("event not found (this should never happen)")
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
// #[test]
// fn expand_transfer_builder_topic_filters() {
// let event = Event {
// name: "Transfer".into(),
// inputs: vec![
// EventParam {
// name: "from".into(),
// kind: ParamType::Address,
// indexed: true,
// },
// EventParam {
// name: "to".into(),
// kind: ParamType::Address,
// indexed: true,
// },
// EventParam {
// name: "amount".into(),
// kind: ParamType::Uint(256),
// indexed: false,
// },
// ],
// anonymous: false,
// };
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
// #[rustfmt::skip]
// assert_quote!(expand_builder_topic_filters(&event).unwrap(), {
// #[doc = "Adds a filter for the from event parameter."]
// pub fn from(mut self, topic: self::ethcontract::Topic<self::ethcontract::Address>) -> Self {
// self.0 = (self.0).topic0(topic);
// self
// }
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
// #[doc = "Adds a filter for the to event parameter."]
// pub fn to(mut self, topic: self::ethcontract::Topic<self::ethcontract::Address>) -> Self {
// self.0 = (self.0).topic1(topic);
// self
// }
// });
// }
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
fn expand_data_struct_value() {
let event = Event {
name: "Foo".into(),
inputs: vec![
EventParam {
name: "a".into(),
kind: ParamType::Bool,
indexed: false,
EventParam {
name: String::new(),
kind: ParamType::Address,
indexed: false,
anonymous: false,
let name = expand_struct_name(&event);
let params = expand_params(&event).unwrap();
let (definition, construction) = expand_data_struct(&name, &params);
assert_quote!(definition, {
struct Foo {
pub a: bool,
pub p1: Address,
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
assert_quote!(construction, { Foo { a, p1 } });
fn expand_data_tuple_value() {
let event = Event {
name: "Foo".into(),
inputs: vec![
EventParam {
name: String::new(),
kind: ParamType::Bool,
indexed: false,
EventParam {
name: String::new(),
kind: ParamType::Address,
indexed: false,
anonymous: false,
let name = expand_struct_name(&event);
let params = expand_params(&event).unwrap();
let (definition, construction) = expand_data_tuple(&name, &params);
assert_quote!(definition, {
struct Foo(pub bool, pub Address);
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
assert_quote!(construction, { Foo(p0, p1) });
// #[test]
// fn expand_enum_for_all_events() {
// let context = {
// let mut context = Context::default();
// "Foo".into(),
// vec![Event {
// name: "Foo".into(),
// inputs: vec![EventParam {
// name: String::new(),
// kind: ParamType::Bool,
// indexed: false,
// }],
// anonymous: false,
// }],
// );
// "Bar".into(),
// vec![Event {
// name: "Bar".into(),
// inputs: vec![EventParam {
// name: String::new(),
// kind: ParamType::Address,
// indexed: false,
// }],
// anonymous: true,
// }],
// );
// context.event_derives = ["Asdf", "a::B", "a::b::c::D"]
// .iter()
// .map(|derive| syn::parse_str::<Path>(derive).unwrap())
// .collect();
// context
// };
// assert_quote!(expand_event_enum(&context), {
// /// A contract event.
// #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Asdf, a::B, a::b::c::D)]
// pub enum Event {
// Bar(self::event_data::Bar),
// Foo(self::event_data::Foo),
// }
// });
// }
// fn expand_parse_log_impl_for_all_events() {
// let context = {
// let mut context = Context::default();
// "Foo".into(),
// vec![Event {
// name: "Foo".into(),
// inputs: vec![EventParam {
// name: String::new(),
// kind: ParamType::Bool,
// indexed: false,
// }],
// anonymous: false,
// }],
// );
// "Bar".into(),
// vec![Event {
// name: "Bar".into(),
// inputs: vec![EventParam {
// name: String::new(),
// kind: ParamType::Address,
// indexed: false,
// }],
// anonymous: true,
// }],
// );
// context
// };
// let foo_signature = expand_hash(context.abi.event("Foo").unwrap().signature());
// let invalid_data = expand_invalid_data();
// assert_quote!(expand_event_parse_log(&context), {
// impl self::ethcontract::contract::ParseLog for Event {
// fn parse_log(
// log: self::ethcontract::RawLog,
// ) -> Result<Self, self::ethcontract::errors::ExecutionError> {
// let standard_event = log.topics
// .get(0)
// .copied()
// .map(|topic| match topic {
// #foo_signature => Ok(Event::Foo(
// log.clone().decode(
// &Contract::artifact()
// .abi
// .event("Foo")
// .expect("generated event decode")
// )?
// )),
// _ => #invalid_data,
// });
// if let Some(Ok(data)) = standard_event {
// return Ok(data);
// }
// if let Ok(data) = log.clone().decode(
// &Contract::artifact()
// .abi
// .event("Bar")
// .expect("generated event decode")
// ) {
// return Ok(Event::Bar(data));
// }
// #invalid_data
// }
// }
// });
// }
fn expand_hash_value() {
2020-05-26 18:57:59 +00:00
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