
359 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use crate::{
transports::common::{JsonRpcError, Request, Response},
JsonRpcClient, PubsubClient,
use ethers_core::types::U256;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures_channel::mpsc;
use futures_util::stream::{Fuse, StreamExt};
use oneshot::error::RecvError;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use serde_json::{value::RawValue, Deserializer, StreamDeserializer};
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio::{
io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncWriteExt, ReadHalf, WriteHalf},
use tokio_util::io::ReaderStream;
use tracing::{error, warn};
use super::common::Notification;
/// Unix Domain Sockets (IPC) transport.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Ipc {
id: Arc<AtomicU64>,
messages_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<TransportMessage>,
type Pending = oneshot::Sender<Result<Box<RawValue>, JsonRpcError>>;
type Subscription = mpsc::UnboundedSender<Box<RawValue>>;
enum TransportMessage {
Request { id: u64, request: String, sender: Pending },
Subscribe { id: U256, sink: Subscription },
Unsubscribe { id: U256 },
impl Ipc {
/// Creates a new IPC transport from a Async Reader / Writer
fn new<S: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Send + 'static>(stream: S) -> Self {
let id = Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(1));
let (messages_tx, messages_rx) = mpsc::unbounded();
IpcServer::new(stream, messages_rx).spawn();
Self { id, messages_tx }
/// Creates a new IPC transport from a given path using Unix sockets
pub async fn connect<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self, IpcError> {
let ipc = UnixStream::connect(path).await?;
fn send(&self, msg: TransportMessage) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
.map_err(|_| IpcError::ChannelError("IPC server receiver dropped".to_string()))?;
impl JsonRpcClient for Ipc {
type Error = IpcError;
async fn request<T: Serialize + Send + Sync, R: DeserializeOwned>(
method: &str,
params: T,
) -> Result<R, IpcError> {
let next_id =, Ordering::SeqCst);
// Create the request and initialize the response channel
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let payload = TransportMessage::Request {
id: next_id,
request: serde_json::to_string(&Request::new(next_id, method, params))?,
// Send the request to the IPC server to be handled.
// Wait for the response from the IPC server.
let res = receiver.await??;
// Parse JSON response.
impl PubsubClient for Ipc {
type NotificationStream = mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Box<RawValue>>;
fn subscribe<T: Into<U256>>(&self, id: T) -> Result<Self::NotificationStream, IpcError> {
let (sink, stream) = mpsc::unbounded();
self.send(TransportMessage::Subscribe { id: id.into(), sink })?;
fn unsubscribe<T: Into<U256>>(&self, id: T) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
self.send(TransportMessage::Unsubscribe { id: id.into() })
struct IpcServer<T> {
socket_reader: Fuse<ReaderStream<ReadHalf<T>>>,
socket_writer: WriteHalf<T>,
requests: Fuse<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TransportMessage>>,
pending: HashMap<u64, Pending>,
subscriptions: HashMap<U256, Subscription>,
impl<T> IpcServer<T>
T: AsyncRead + AsyncWrite,
/// Instantiates the Websocket Server
pub fn new(ipc: T, requests: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TransportMessage>) -> Self {
let (socket_reader, socket_writer) = tokio::io::split(ipc);
let socket_reader = ReaderStream::new(socket_reader).fuse();
Self {
requests: requests.fuse(),
pending: HashMap::default(),
subscriptions: HashMap::default(),
/// Spawns the event loop
fn spawn(mut self)
T: 'static + Send,
let f = async move {
let mut read_buffer = Vec::new();
loop {
let closed = self.process(&mut read_buffer).await.expect("IPC Server panic");
if closed && self.pending.is_empty() {
/// Processes 1 item selected from the incoming `requests` or `socket`
async fn process(&mut self, read_buffer: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<bool, IpcError> {
futures_util::select! {
// Handle requests
msg = => match msg {
Some(msg) => self.handle_request(msg).await?,
None => return Ok(true),
// Handle socket messages
msg = => match msg {
2021-11-05 01:21:23 +00:00
Some(Ok(msg)) => self.handle_socket(read_buffer, msg)?,
Some(Err(err)) => {
error!("IPC read error: {:?}", err);
return Err(err.into());
None => {},
// finished
complete => {},
async fn handle_request(&mut self, msg: TransportMessage) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
match msg {
TransportMessage::Request { id, request, sender } => {
if self.pending.insert(id, sender).is_some() {
warn!("Replacing a pending request with id {:?}", id);
2021-07-24 18:53:40 +00:00
if let Err(err) = self.socket_writer.write(request.as_bytes()).await {
2021-11-05 01:21:23 +00:00
error!("IPC connection error: {:?}", err);
TransportMessage::Subscribe { id, sink } => {
if self.subscriptions.insert(id, sink).is_some() {
warn!("Replacing already-registered subscription with id {:?}", id);
TransportMessage::Unsubscribe { id } => {
if self.subscriptions.remove(&id).is_none() {
warn!("Unsubscribing from non-existent subscription with id {:?}", id);
2021-11-05 01:21:23 +00:00
fn handle_socket(
&mut self,
read_buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
bytes: bytes::Bytes,
) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
// Extend buffer of previously unread with the new read bytes
// Deserialize as many full elements from the stream as exists
let mut de: StreamDeserializer<_, &RawValue> =
// Iterate through these elements, and handle responses/notifications
while let Some(Ok(raw)) = {
if let Ok(response) = serde_json::from_str(raw.get()) {
// Send notify response if okay.
if let Err(e) = self.respond(response) {
error!(err = %e, "Failed to send IPC response");
if let Ok(notification) = serde_json::from_str(raw.get()) {
// Send notify response if okay.
if let Err(e) = self.notify(notification) {
error!(err = %e, "Failed to send IPC notification");
warn!("JSON from IPC stream is not a response or notification");
// Get the offset of bytes to handle partial buffer reads
let read_len = de.byte_offset();
// Reset buffer to just include the partial value bytes.
read_buffer.copy_within(read_len.., 0);
read_buffer.truncate(read_buffer.len() - read_len);
/// Sends notification through the channel based on the ID of the subscription.
/// This handles streaming responses.
fn notify(&mut self, notification: Notification<'_>) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
let id = notification.params.subscription;
if let Some(tx) = self.subscriptions.get(&id) {
tx.unbounded_send(notification.params.result.to_owned()).map_err(|_| {
IpcError::ChannelError(format!("Subscription receiver {} dropped", id))
/// Sends JSON response through the channel based on the ID in that response.
/// This handles RPC calls with only one response, and the channel entry is dropped after
/// sending.
fn respond(&mut self, response: Response<'_>) -> Result<(), IpcError> {
let id =;
let res = response.into_result();
let response_tx = self.pending.remove(&id).ok_or_else(|| {
IpcError::ChannelError("No response channel exists for the response ID".to_string())
response_tx.send(res).map_err(|_| {
IpcError::ChannelError("Receiver channel for response has been dropped".to_string())
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
/// Error thrown when sending or receiving an IPC message.
pub enum IpcError {
/// Thrown if deserialization failed
JsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
/// std IO error forwarding.
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// Thrown if the response could not be parsed
JsonRpcError(#[from] JsonRpcError),
Canceled(#[from] RecvError),
impl From<IpcError> for ProviderError {
fn from(src: IpcError) -> Self {
#[cfg(all(test, target_family = "unix"))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "celo"))]
mod test {
use super::*;
use ethers_core::{
types::{Block, TxHash, U256},
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
async fn request() {
let temp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_file.into_temp_path().to_path_buf();
let _geth = Geth::new().block_time(1u64).ipc_path(&path).spawn();
let ipc = Ipc::connect(path).await.unwrap();
let block_num: U256 = ipc.request("eth_blockNumber", ()).await.unwrap();
std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(3, 0));
let block_num2: U256 = ipc.request("eth_blockNumber", ()).await.unwrap();
assert!(block_num2 > block_num);
async fn subscription() {
let temp_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
let path = temp_file.into_temp_path().to_path_buf();
let _geth = Geth::new().block_time(2u64).ipc_path(&path).spawn();
let ipc = Ipc::connect(path).await.unwrap();
let sub_id: U256 = ipc.request("eth_subscribe", ["newHeads"]).await.unwrap();
let mut stream = ipc.subscribe(sub_id).unwrap();
// Subscribing requires sending the sub request and then subscribing to
// the returned sub_id
let block_num: u64 = ipc.request::<_, U256>("eth_blockNumber", ()).await.unwrap().as_u64();
let mut blocks = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..3 {
let item =;
let block: Block<TxHash> = serde_json::from_str(item.get()).unwrap();
let offset = blocks[0] - block_num;
assert_eq!(blocks, &[block_num + offset, block_num + offset + 1, block_num + offset + 2])