
259 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use ethers_core::types::{Bytes, TransactionReceipt, H256};
use futures_util::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::{
time::{Duration, Instant},
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
use futures_timer::Delay;
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
use wasm_timer::Delay;
use crate::{JsonRpcClient, Middleware, PendingTransaction, PinBoxFut, Provider, ProviderError};
/// States for the EscalatingPending future
enum EscalatorStates<'a, P> {
Initial(PinBoxFut<'a, PendingTransaction<'a, P>>),
BroadcastingNew(PinBoxFut<'a, PendingTransaction<'a, P>>),
CheckingReceipts(FuturesUnordered<PinBoxFut<'a, Option<TransactionReceipt>>>),
/// An EscalatingPending is a pending transaction that increases its own gas
/// price over time, by broadcasting successive versions with higher gas prices.
#[pin_project(project = PendingProj)]
pub struct EscalatingPending<'a, P>
P: JsonRpcClient,
provider: &'a Provider<P>,
broadcast_interval: Duration,
polling_interval: Duration,
txns: Vec<Bytes>,
last: Instant,
sent: Vec<H256>,
state: EscalatorStates<'a, P>,
impl<'a, P> EscalatingPending<'a, P>
P: JsonRpcClient,
/// Instantiate a new EscalatingPending. This should only be called by the
/// Middleware trait.
/// Callers MUST ensure that transactions are in _reverse_ broadcast order
/// (this just makes writing the code easier, as we can use `pop()` a lot).
/// TODO: consider deserializing and checking invariants (gas order, etc.)
pub(crate) fn new(provider: &'a Provider<P>, mut txns: Vec<Bytes>) -> Self {
if txns.is_empty() {
panic!("bad args");
let first = txns.pop().expect("bad args");
// Sane-feeling default intervals
Self {
broadcast_interval: Duration::from_millis(150),
polling_interval: Duration::from_millis(10),
// placeholder value. We set this again after the initial broadcast
// future resolves
last: Instant::now(),
sent: vec![],
state: EscalatorStates::Initial(Box::pin(provider.send_raw_transaction(first))),
/// Set the broadcast interval. This controls how often the escalator
/// broadcasts a new transaction at a higher gas price
pub fn with_broadcast_interval(mut self, duration: impl Into<Duration>) -> Self {
self.broadcast_interval = duration.into();
/// Set the polling interval. This controls how often the escalator checks
/// transaction receipts for confirmation.
pub fn with_polling_interval(mut self, duration: impl Into<Duration>) -> Self {
self.polling_interval = duration.into();
/// Get the current polling interval.
pub fn get_polling_interval(&self) -> Duration {
/// Get the current broadcast interval.
pub fn get_broadcast_interval(&self) -> Duration {
macro_rules! check_all_receipts {
($cx:ident, $this:ident) => {
let futs: futures_util::stream::FuturesUnordered<_> = $this
.map(|tx_hash| $this.provider.get_transaction_receipt(*tx_hash))
*$this.state = CheckingReceipts(futs);
return Poll::Pending
macro_rules! sleep {
($cx:ident, $this:ident) => {
*$this.state = EscalatorStates::Sleeping(Box::pin(Delay::new(*$this.polling_interval)));
return Poll::Pending
macro_rules! completed {
($this:ident, $output:expr) => {
*$this.state = Completed;
return Poll::Ready($output)
/// Tests Provider error for nonce too low issue through debug contents
fn is_nonce_too_low(e: &ProviderError) -> bool {
let debug_str = format!("{:?}", e);
debug_str.contains("nonce too low") // Geth, Arbitrum, Optimism
|| debug_str.contains("nonce is too low") // Parity
|| debug_str.contains("invalid transaction nonce") // Arbitrum
macro_rules! poll_broadcast_fut {
($cx:ident, $this:ident, $fut:ident) => {
match $fut.as_mut().poll($cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(pending)) => {
*$this.last = Instant::now();
tx_hash = ?*pending,
escalation = $this.sent.len(),
"Escalation transaction broadcast complete"
check_all_receipts!($cx, $this);
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => {
// kludge. Prevents erroring on "nonce too low" which indicates
// a previous escalation confirmed during this broadcast attempt
if is_nonce_too_low(&e) {
check_all_receipts!($cx, $this);
} else {
error = ?e,
"Error during transaction broadcast"
completed!($this, Err(e));
Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,
impl<'a, P> Future for EscalatingPending<'a, P>
P: JsonRpcClient,
type Output = Result<TransactionReceipt, ProviderError>;
fn poll(
self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output> {
use EscalatorStates::*;
let this = self.project();
match this.state {
// In the initial state we're simply waiting on the first
// transaction braodcast to complete.
Initial(fut) => {
poll_broadcast_fut!(cx, this, fut);
Sleeping(delay) => {
let _ready = futures_util::ready!(delay.as_mut().poll(cx));
// if broadcast timer has elapsed and if we have a TX to
// broadcast, broadcast it
if this.last.elapsed() > *this.broadcast_interval {
if let Some(next_to_broadcast) = this.txns.pop() {
let fut = this.provider.send_raw_transaction(next_to_broadcast);
*this.state = BroadcastingNew(fut);
return Poll::Pending
check_all_receipts!(cx, this);
// This state is functionally equivalent to Initial, but we
// differentiate it for clarity
BroadcastingNew(fut) => {
poll_broadcast_fut!(cx, this, fut);
CheckingReceipts(futs) => {
// Poll the set of `get_transaction_receipt` futures to check
// if any previously-broadcast transaction was confirmed.
// Continue doing this until all are resolved
match futs.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
// We have found a receipt. This means that all other
// broadcast txns are now invalid, so we can drop the
// futures and complete
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Some(receipt)))) => {
completed!(this, Ok(receipt));
// A `get_transaction_receipt` request resolved, but but we
// found no receipt, rewake and check if any other requests
// are resolved
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(None))) => cx.waker().wake_by_ref(),
// A request errored. We complete the future with the error.
Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))) => {
completed!(this, Err(e));
// We have run out of `get_transaction_receipt` requests.
// Sleep and then check if we should broadcast again (or
// check receipts again)
Poll::Ready(None) => {
sleep!(cx, this);
// No request has resolved yet. Try again later
Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,
Completed => panic!("polled after completion"),
impl<'a, P> std::fmt::Debug for EscalatorStates<'a, P> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let state = match self {
Self::Initial(_) => "Initial",
Self::Sleeping(_) => "Sleeping",
Self::BroadcastingNew(_) => "BroadcastingNew",
Self::CheckingReceipts(_) => "CheckingReceipts",
Self::Completed => "Completed",
f.debug_struct("EscalatorStates").field("state", &state).finish()