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//! Code used by both `call` and `error`
use crate::{abi_ty, utils};
use ethers_core::{
macros::{ethers_contract_crate, ethers_core_crate},
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse::Error, spanned::Spanned as _, AttrStyle, DeriveInput, Lit, Meta, NestedMeta};
/// All the attributes the `EthCall`/`EthError` macro supports
pub struct EthCalllikeAttributes {
pub name: Option<(String, Span)>,
pub abi: Option<(String, Span)>,
/// extracts the attributes from the struct annotated with the given attribute
pub fn parse_calllike_attributes(
input: &DeriveInput,
attr_name: &str,
) -> Result<EthCalllikeAttributes, TokenStream> {
let mut result = EthCalllikeAttributes::default();
for a in input.attrs.iter() {
if let AttrStyle::Outer = {
if let Ok(Meta::List(meta)) = a.parse_meta() {
if meta.path.is_ident(attr_name) {
for n in meta.nested.iter() {
if let NestedMeta::Meta(meta) = n {
match meta {
Meta::Path(path) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("unrecognized {} parameter", attr_name),
Meta::List(meta) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("unrecognized {} parameter", attr_name),
Meta::NameValue(meta) => {
if meta.path.is_ident("name") {
if let Lit::Str(ref lit_str) = meta.lit {
if { =
Some((lit_str.value(), lit_str.span()));
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
"name already specified",
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
"name must be a string",
} else if meta.path.is_ident("abi") {
if let Lit::Str(ref lit_str) = meta.lit {
if result.abi.is_none() {
result.abi =
Some((lit_str.value(), lit_str.span()));
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
"abi already specified",
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
"abi must be a string",
} else {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("unrecognized {} parameter", attr_name),
/// Generates the decode implementation based on the type's runtime `AbiType` impl
pub fn derive_decode_impl_with_abi_type(
input: &DeriveInput,
trait_ident: Ident,
) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let datatypes_array = utils::derive_abi_parameters_array(input, &trait_ident.to_string())?;
Ok(derive_decode_impl(datatypes_array, trait_ident))
/// Generates the decode implementation based on the params
pub fn derive_decode_impl_from_params(params: &[Param], trait_ident: Ident) -> TokenStream {
let datatypes = params.iter().map(|input| utils::param_type_quote(&input.kind));
let datatypes_array = quote! {[#( #datatypes ),*]};
derive_decode_impl(datatypes_array, trait_ident)
pub fn derive_decode_impl(datatypes_array: TokenStream, trait_ident: Ident) -> TokenStream {
let core_crate = ethers_core_crate();
let contract_crate = ethers_contract_crate();
let data_types_init = quote! {let data_types = #datatypes_array;};
quote! {
let bytes = bytes.as_ref();
if bytes.len() < 4 || bytes[..4] != <Self as #contract_crate::#trait_ident>::selector() {
return Err(#contract_crate::AbiError::WrongSelector);
let data_tokens = #core_crate::abi::decode(&data_types, &bytes[4..])?;
Ok(<Self as #core_crate::abi::Tokenizable>::from_token( #core_crate::abi::Token::Tuple(data_tokens))?)
/// Generates the Codec implementation
pub fn derive_codec_impls(
input: &DeriveInput,
decode_impl: TokenStream,
trait_ident: Ident,
) -> TokenStream {
// the ethers crates to use
let core_crate = ethers_core_crate();
let contract_crate = ethers_contract_crate();
let struct_name = &input.ident;
let codec_impl = quote! {
impl #core_crate::abi::AbiDecode for #struct_name {
fn decode(bytes: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, #core_crate::abi::AbiError> {
impl #core_crate::abi::AbiEncode for #struct_name {
fn encode(self) -> ::std::vec::Vec<u8> {
let tokens = #core_crate::abi::Tokenize::into_tokens(self);
let selector = <Self as #contract_crate::#trait_ident>::selector();
let encoded = #core_crate::abi::encode(&tokens);
let tokenize_impl = abi_ty::derive_tokenizeable_impl(input);
quote! {