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use ethers_core::{
abi::{Detokenize, Function, Token},
types::{Address, BlockNumber, Bytes, Chain, NameOrAddress, TxHash, U256},
use ethers_providers::Middleware;
use std::{collections::HashMap, str::FromStr, sync::Arc};
use crate::{
call::{ContractCall, ContractError},
mod multicall_contract;
use multicall_contract::MulticallContract;
/// A lazily computed hash map with the Ethereum network IDs as keys and the corresponding
/// Multicall smart contract addresses as values
pub static ADDRESS_BOOK: Lazy<HashMap<U256, Address>> = Lazy::new(|| {
fn decode_address(input: &str) -> Address {
Address::from_str(input).expect("Decoding failed")
(Chain::Mainnet.into(), decode_address("eefba1e63905ef1d7acba5a8513c70307c1ce441")),
(Chain::Rinkeby.into(), decode_address("42ad527de7d4e9d9d011ac45b31d8551f8fe9821")),
(Chain::Goerli.into(), decode_address("77dca2c955b15e9de4dbbcf1246b4b85b651e50e")),
(Chain::Kovan.into(), decode_address("2cc8688c5f75e365aaeeb4ea8d6a480405a48d2a")),
(Chain::XDai.into(), decode_address("b5b692a88bdfc81ca69dcb1d924f59f0413a602a")),
(Chain::Polygon.into(), decode_address("11ce4B23bD875D7F5C6a31084f55fDe1e9A87507")),
(Chain::PolygonMumbai.into(), decode_address("08411ADd0b5AA8ee47563b146743C13b3556c9Cc")),
/// A Multicall is an abstraction for sending batched calls/transactions to the Ethereum blockchain.
/// It stores an instance of the [`Multicall` smart contract](
/// and the user provided list of transactions to be made.
/// `Multicall` can instantiate the Multicall contract instance from the chain ID of the client
/// supplied to [`new`]. It supports the Ethereum mainnet, as well as testnets
/// [Rinkeby](,
/// [Goerli]( and
/// [Kovan](
/// Additionally, the `block` number can be provided for the call by using the [`block`] method.
/// Build on the `Multicall` instance by adding calls using the [`add_call`] method.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// use ethers_core::{
/// abi::Abi,
/// types::{Address, H256, U256},
/// };
/// use ethers_contract::{Contract, Multicall};
/// use ethers_providers::{Middleware, Http, Provider, PendingTransaction};
/// use std::{convert::TryFrom, sync::Arc};
/// # async fn bar() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // this is a dummy address used for illustration purpose
/// let address = "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".parse::<Address>()?;
/// // (ugly way to write the ABI inline, you can otherwise read it from a file)
/// let abi: Abi = serde_json::from_str(r#"[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"string","name":"value","type":"string"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"author","type":"address"},{"indexed":true,"internalType":"address","name":"oldAuthor","type":"address"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"string","name":"oldValue","type":"string"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"string","name":"newValue","type":"string"}],"name":"ValueChanged","type":"event"},{"inputs":[],"name":"getValue","outputs":[{"internalType":"string","name":"","type":"string"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"lastSender","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"string","name":"value","type":"string"}],"name":"setValue","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]"#)?;
/// // connect to the network
/// let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from("")?;
/// // create the contract object. This will be used to construct the calls for multicall
/// let client = Arc::new(client);
/// let contract = Contract::<Provider<Http>>::new(address, abi, Arc::clone(&client));
/// // note that these [`ContractCall`]s are futures, and need to be `.await`ed to resolve.
/// // But we will let `Multicall` to take care of that for us
/// let first_call = contract.method::<_, String>("getValue", ())?;
/// let second_call = contract.method::<_, Address>("lastSender", ())?;
/// // since this example connects to the Kovan testnet, we need not provide an address for
/// // the Multicall contract and we set that to `None`. If you wish to provide the address
/// // for the Multicall contract, you can pass the `Some(multicall_addr)` argument.
/// // Construction of the `Multicall` instance follows the builder pattern
/// let mut multicall = Multicall::new(Arc::clone(&client), None).await?;
/// multicall
/// .add_call(first_call)
/// .add_call(second_call);
/// // `await`ing on the `call` method lets us fetch the return values of both the above calls
/// // in one single RPC call
/// let _return_data: (String, Address) =;
/// // the same `Multicall` instance can be re-used to do a different batch of transactions.
/// // Say we wish to broadcast (send) a couple of transactions via the Multicall contract.
/// let first_broadcast = contract.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "some value".to_owned())?;
/// let second_broadcast = contract.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "new value".to_owned())?;
/// let multicall = multicall
/// .clear_calls()
/// .add_call(first_broadcast)
/// .add_call(second_broadcast);
/// // `await`ing the `send` method waits for the transaction to be broadcast, which also
/// // returns the transaction hash
/// let tx_hash = multicall.send().await?;
/// let _tx_receipt = PendingTransaction::new(tx_hash, &client).await?;
/// // you can also query ETH balances of multiple addresses
/// let address_1 = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".parse::<Address>()?;
/// let address_2 = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff".parse::<Address>()?;
/// let multicall = multicall
/// .clear_calls()
/// .eth_balance_of(address_1)
/// .eth_balance_of(address_2);
/// let _balances: (U256, U256) =;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`new`]: method@crate::Multicall::new
/// [`block`]: method@crate::Multicall::block
/// [`add_call`]: methond@crate::Multicall::add_call
pub struct Multicall<M> {
calls: Vec<Call>,
block: Option<BlockNumber>,
contract: MulticallContract<M>,
legacy: bool,
/// Helper struct for managing calls to be made to the `function` in smart contract `target`
/// with `data`
pub struct Call {
target: Address,
data: Bytes,
function: Function,
impl<M: Middleware> Multicall<M> {
/// Creates a new Multicall instance from the provided client. If provided with an `address`,
/// it instantiates the Multicall contract with that address. Otherwise it fetches the address
/// from the address book.
/// # Panics
/// If a `None` address is provided, and the provided client also does not belong to one of
/// the supported network IDs (mainnet, kovan, rinkeby and goerli)
pub async fn new<C: Into<Arc<M>>>(
client: C,
address: Option<Address>,
) -> Result<Self, ContractError<M>> {
let client = client.into();
// Fetch chain id and the corresponding address of Multicall contract
// preference is given to Multicall contract's address if provided
// otherwise check the address book for the client's chain ID
let address: Address = match address {
Some(addr) => addr,
None => {
let chain_id =
match ADDRESS_BOOK.get(&chain_id) {
Some(addr) => *addr,
None => panic!(
"Must either be a supported Network ID or provide Multicall contract address"
// Instantiate the multicall contract
let contract = MulticallContract::new(address, client);
Ok(Self { calls: vec![], block: None, contract, legacy: false })
/// Makes a legacy transaction instead of an EIP-1559 one
pub fn legacy(mut self) -> Self {
self.legacy = true;
/// Sets the `block` field for the multicall aggregate call
pub fn block<T: Into<BlockNumber>>(mut self, block: T) -> Self {
self.block = Some(block.into());
/// Appends a `call` to the list of calls for the Multicall instance
pub fn add_call<D: Detokenize>(&mut self, call: ContractCall<M, D>) -> &mut Self {
match (, {
(Some(NameOrAddress::Address(target)), Some(data)) => {
let call = Call { target: *target, data: data.clone(), function: call.function };
_ => self,
/// Appends a `call` to the list of calls for the Multicall instance for querying
/// the ETH balance of an address
/// # Panics
/// If more than the maximum number of supported calls are added. The maximum
/// limits is constrained due to tokenization/detokenization support for tuples
pub fn eth_balance_of(&mut self, addr: Address) -> &mut Self {
let call = self.contract.get_eth_balance(addr);
/// Clear the batch of calls from the Multicall instance. Re-use the already instantiated
/// Multicall, to send a different batch of transactions or do another aggregate query
/// ```no_run
/// # async fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # use ethers_core::{abi::Abi, types::{Address, H256}};
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http};
/// # use ethers_contract::{Multicall, Contract};
/// # use std::{sync::Arc, convert::TryFrom};
/// #
/// # let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from("http://localhost:8545")?;
/// # let client = Arc::new(client);
/// #
/// # let abi: Abi = serde_json::from_str("")?;
/// # let address = "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".parse::<Address>()?;
/// # let contract = Contract::<Provider<Http>>::new(address, abi, client.clone());
/// #
/// # let broadcast_1 = contract.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "some value".to_owned())?;
/// # let broadcast_2 = contract.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "new value".to_owned())?;
/// #
/// let mut multicall = Multicall::new(client, None).await?;
/// multicall
/// .add_call(broadcast_1)
/// .add_call(broadcast_2);
/// let _tx_hash = multicall.send().await?;
/// # let call_1 = contract.method::<_, String>("getValue", ())?;
/// # let call_2 = contract.method::<_, Address>("lastSender", ())?;
/// multicall
/// .clear_calls()
/// .add_call(call_1)
/// .add_call(call_2);
/// let return_data: (String, Address) =;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn clear_calls(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
/// Queries the Ethereum blockchain via an `eth_call`, but via the Multicall contract.
/// It returns a [`ContractError<M>`] if there is any error in the RPC call or while
/// detokenizing the tokens back to the expected return type. The return type must be
/// annonated while calling this method.
/// ```no_run
/// # async fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # use ethers_core::types::{U256, Address};
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http};
/// # use ethers_contract::Multicall;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// #
/// # let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from("http://localhost:8545")?;
/// #
/// # let multicall = Multicall::new(client, None).await?;
/// // If the Solidity function calls has the following return types:
/// // 1. `returns (uint256)`
/// // 2. `returns (string, address)`
/// // 3. `returns (bool)`
/// let result: (U256, (String, Address), bool) =;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// If more than the maximum number of supported calls are added. The maximum
/// limits is constrained due to tokenization/detokenization support for tuples
/// Note: this method _does not_ send a transaction from your account
/// [`ContractError<M>`]: crate::ContractError<M>
pub async fn call<D: Detokenize>(&self) -> Result<D, ContractError<M>> {
assert!(self.calls.len() < 16, "Cannot decode more than {} calls", 16);
let tokens = self.call_raw().await?;
let tokens = vec![Token::Tuple(tokens)];
let data = D::from_tokens(tokens)?;
/// Queries the Ethereum blockchain via an `eth_call`, but via the Multicall contract and
/// without detokenization.
/// It returns a [`ContractError<M>`] if there is any error in the RPC call.
/// ```no_run
/// # async fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # use ethers_core::types::{U256, Address};
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http};
/// # use ethers_contract::Multicall;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// #
/// # let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from("http://localhost:8545")?;
/// #
/// # let multicall = Multicall::new(client, None).await?;
/// // The consumer of the API is responsible for detokenizing the results
/// // as the results will be a Vec<Token>
/// let tokens = multicall.call_raw().await?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Note: this method _does not_ send a transaction from your account
/// [`ContractError<M>`]: crate::ContractError<M>
pub async fn call_raw(&self) -> Result<Vec<Token>, ContractError<M>> {
let contract_call = self.as_contract_call();
// Fetch response from the Multicall contract
let (_block_number, return_data) =;
let tokens = self
.map(|(call, bytes)| {
let mut tokens: Vec<Token> = call.function.decode_output(bytes.as_ref())?;
Ok(match tokens.len() {
0 => Token::Tuple(vec![]),
1 => tokens.remove(0),
_ => Token::Tuple(tokens),
.collect::<Result<Vec<Token>, ContractError<M>>>()?;
/// Signs and broadcasts a batch of transactions by using the Multicall contract as proxy.
/// ```no_run
/// # async fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http};
/// # use ethers_contract::Multicall;
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # let client = Provider::<Http>::try_from("http://localhost:8545")?;
/// # let multicall = Multicall::new(client, None).await?;
/// let tx_hash = multicall.send().await?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// Note: this method sends a transaction from your account, and will return an error
/// if you do not have sufficient funds to pay for gas
pub async fn send(&self) -> Result<TxHash, ContractError<M>> {
let contract_call = self.as_contract_call();
// Broadcast transaction and return the transaction hash
// TODO: Can we make this return a PendingTransaction directly instead?
// Seems hard due to `returns a value referencing data owned by the current function`
let tx_hash = *contract_call.send().await?;
fn as_contract_call(&self) -> ContractCall<M, (U256, Vec<Bytes>)> {
// Map the Multicall struct into appropriate types for `aggregate` function
let calls: Vec<(Address, Bytes)> =
self.calls.iter().map(|call| (,;
// Construct the ContractCall for `aggregate` function to broadcast the transaction
let mut contract_call = self.contract.aggregate(calls);
if let Some(block) = self.block {
contract_call = contract_call.block(block)
if self.legacy {
contract_call = contract_call.legacy();