
494 lines
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use crate::{
artifacts::{CompactContract, CompactContractRef, Contract, Settings},
error::{Result, SolcError, SolcIoError},
use ethers_core::{abi::Abi, types::Bytes};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
fs, io,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
/// Where to find all files or where to write them
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ProjectPathsConfig {
/// Project root
pub root: PathBuf,
/// Path to the cache, if any
pub cache: PathBuf,
/// Where to store build artifacts
pub artifacts: PathBuf,
/// Where to find sources
pub sources: PathBuf,
/// Where to find tests
pub tests: PathBuf,
/// Where to look for libraries
pub libraries: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// The compiler remappings
pub remappings: Vec<Remapping>,
impl ProjectPathsConfig {
pub fn builder() -> ProjectPathsConfigBuilder {
/// Creates a new hardhat style config instance which points to the canonicalized root path
pub fn hardhat(root: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self> {
/// Creates a new dapptools style config instance which points to the canonicalized root path
pub fn dapptools(root: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self> {
/// Creates a new config with the current directory as the root
pub fn current_hardhat() -> Result<Self> {
Self::hardhat(std::env::current_dir().map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, "."))?)
/// Creates a new config with the current directory as the root
pub fn current_dapptools() -> Result<Self> {
Self::dapptools(std::env::current_dir().map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, "."))?)
/// Creates all configured dirs and files
pub fn create_all(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), SolcIoError> {
if let Some(parent) = self.cache.parent() {
fs::create_dir_all(parent).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, parent))?;
.map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, &self.artifacts))?;
fs::create_dir_all(&self.sources).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, &self.sources))?;
fs::create_dir_all(&self.tests).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, &self.tests))?;
for lib in &self.libraries {
fs::create_dir_all(lib).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, lib))?;
impl fmt::Display for ProjectPathsConfig {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "root: {}", self.root.display())?;
writeln!(f, "contracts: {}", self.sources.display())?;
writeln!(f, "artifacts: {}", self.artifacts.display())?;
writeln!(f, "tests: {}", self.tests.display())?;
writeln!(f, "libs:")?;
for lib in &self.libraries {
writeln!(f, " {}", lib.display())?;
writeln!(f, "remappings:")?;
for remapping in &self.remappings {
writeln!(f, " {}", remapping)?;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum PathStyle {
impl PathStyle {
pub fn paths(&self, root: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<ProjectPathsConfig> {
let root = root.as_ref();
let root = dunce::canonicalize(root).map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, root))?;
Ok(match self {
PathStyle::Dapptools => ProjectPathsConfig::builder()
PathStyle::HardHat => ProjectPathsConfig::builder()
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ProjectPathsConfigBuilder {
root: Option<PathBuf>,
cache: Option<PathBuf>,
artifacts: Option<PathBuf>,
sources: Option<PathBuf>,
tests: Option<PathBuf>,
libraries: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
remappings: Option<Vec<Remapping>>,
impl ProjectPathsConfigBuilder {
pub fn root(mut self, root: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self.root = Some(root.into());
pub fn cache(mut self, cache: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self.cache = Some(cache.into());
pub fn artifacts(mut self, artifacts: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self.artifacts = Some(artifacts.into());
pub fn sources(mut self, sources: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self.sources = Some(sources.into());
pub fn tests(mut self, tests: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
self.tests = Some(tests.into());
/// Specifically disallow additional libraries
pub fn no_libs(mut self) -> Self {
self.libraries = Some(Vec::new());
pub fn lib(mut self, lib: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> Self {
pub fn libs(mut self, libs: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<PathBuf>>) -> Self {
let libraries = self.libraries.get_or_insert_with(Vec::new);
for lib in libs.into_iter() {
pub fn remapping(mut self, remapping: Remapping) -> Self {
pub fn remappings(mut self, remappings: impl IntoIterator<Item = Remapping>) -> Self {
let our_remappings = self.remappings.get_or_insert_with(Vec::new);
for remapping in remappings.into_iter() {
pub fn build_with_root(self, root: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> ProjectPathsConfig {
let root = root.into();
ProjectPathsConfig {
cache: self
.unwrap_or_else(|| root.join("cache").join(SOLIDITY_FILES_CACHE_FILENAME)),
artifacts: self.artifacts.unwrap_or_else(|| root.join("artifacts")),
sources: self.sources.unwrap_or_else(|| root.join("contracts")),
tests: self.tests.unwrap_or_else(|| root.join("tests")),
libraries: self.libraries.unwrap_or_default(),
remappings: self.remappings.unwrap_or_default(),
pub fn build(self) -> std::result::Result<ProjectPathsConfig, SolcIoError> {
let root = self
.map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, "."))?;
let root = dunce::canonicalize(&root).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, &root))?;
/// The config to use when compiling the contracts
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SolcConfig {
/// How the file was compiled
pub settings: Settings,
impl SolcConfig {
/// # Example
/// Autodetect solc version and default settings
/// ```rust
/// use ethers_solc::SolcConfig;
/// let config = SolcConfig::builder().build().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn builder() -> SolcConfigBuilder {
pub struct SolcConfigBuilder {
settings: Option<Settings>,
impl SolcConfigBuilder {
pub fn settings(mut self, settings: Settings) -> Self {
self.settings = Some(settings);
/// Creates the solc config
/// If no solc version is configured then it will be determined by calling `solc --version`.
pub fn build(self) -> Result<SolcConfig> {
let Self { settings } = self;
Ok(SolcConfig { settings: settings.unwrap_or_default() })
pub type Artifacts<T> = BTreeMap<String, BTreeMap<String, T>>;
pub trait Artifact {
/// Returns the artifact's `Abi` and bytecode
fn into_inner(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>);
/// Turns the artifact into a container type for abi, bytecode and deployed bytecode
fn into_compact_contract(self) -> CompactContract;
/// Returns the contents of this type as a single tuple of abi, bytecode and deployed bytecode
fn into_parts(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>);
impl<T: Into<CompactContract>> Artifact for T {
fn into_inner(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>) {
let artifact = self.into_compact_contract();
(artifact.abi, artifact.bin.and_then(|bin| bin.into_bytes()))
fn into_compact_contract(self) -> CompactContract {
fn into_parts(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>) {
pub trait ArtifactOutput {
/// How Artifacts are stored
type Artifact: Artifact + DeserializeOwned;
/// Handle the compiler output.
fn on_output(output: &CompilerOutput, layout: &ProjectPathsConfig) -> Result<()>;
/// Returns the file name for the contract's artifact
fn output_file_name(name: impl AsRef<str>) -> PathBuf {
format!("{}.json", name.as_ref()).into()
/// Returns the path to the contract's artifact location based on the contract's file and name
/// This returns `contract.sol/contract.json` by default
fn output_file(contract_file: impl AsRef<Path>, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> PathBuf {
let name = name.as_ref();
.map(|p| p.join(Self::output_file_name(name)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Self::output_file_name(name))
/// The inverse of `contract_file_name`
/// Expected to return the solidity contract's name derived from the file path
/// `sources/Greeter.sol` -> `Greeter`
fn contract_name(file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<String> {
file.as_ref().file_stem().and_then(|s| s.to_str().map(|s| s.to_string()))
/// Whether the corresponding artifact of the given contract file and name exists
fn output_exists(
contract_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
root: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> bool {
root.as_ref().join(Self::output_file(contract_file, name)).exists()
fn read_cached_artifact(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self::Artifact> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let file = fs::File::open(path).map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, path))?;
let file = io::BufReader::new(file);
/// Read the cached artifacts from disk
fn read_cached_artifacts<T, I>(files: I) -> Result<BTreeMap<PathBuf, Self::Artifact>>
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<PathBuf>,
let mut artifacts = BTreeMap::default();
for path in files.into_iter() {
let path = path.into();
let artifact = Self::read_cached_artifact(&path)?;
artifacts.insert(path, artifact);
/// Convert a contract to the artifact type
fn contract_to_artifact(file: &str, name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact;
/// Convert the compiler output into a set of artifacts
fn output_to_artifacts(output: CompilerOutput) -> Artifacts<Self::Artifact> {
.map(|(file, contracts)| {
let contracts = contracts
.map(|(name, c)| {
let contract = Self::contract_to_artifact(&file, &name, c);
(name, contract)
(file, contracts)
/// An Artifacts implementation that uses a compact representation
/// Creates a single json artifact with
/// ```json
/// {
/// "abi": [],
/// "bin": "...",
/// "runtime-bin": "..."
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MinimalCombinedArtifacts;
impl ArtifactOutput for MinimalCombinedArtifacts {
type Artifact = CompactContract;
fn on_output(output: &CompilerOutput, layout: &ProjectPathsConfig) -> Result<()> {
.map_err(|err| SolcError::msg(format!("Failed to create artifacts dir: {}", err)))?;
for (file, contracts) in output.contracts.iter() {
for (name, contract) in contracts {
let artifact = Self::output_file(file, name);
let file = layout.artifacts.join(artifact);
if let Some(parent) = file.parent() {
fs::create_dir_all(parent).map_err(|err| {
"Failed to create artifact parent folder \"{}\": {}",
let min = CompactContractRef::from(contract);
fs::write(&file, serde_json::to_vec_pretty(&min)?)
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, file))?
fn contract_to_artifact(_file: &str, _name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact {
/// An Artifacts handler implementation that works the same as `MinimalCombinedArtifacts` but also
/// supports reading hardhat artifacts if an initial attempt to deserialize an artifact failed
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MinimalCombinedArtifactsHardhatFallback;
impl ArtifactOutput for MinimalCombinedArtifactsHardhatFallback {
type Artifact = CompactContract;
fn on_output(output: &CompilerOutput, layout: &ProjectPathsConfig) -> Result<()> {
MinimalCombinedArtifacts::on_output(output, layout)
fn read_cached_artifact(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self::Artifact> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let content = fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, path))?;
if let Ok(a) = serde_json::from_str(&content) {
} else {
tracing::error!("Failed to deserialize compact artifact");
tracing::trace!("Fallback to hardhat artifact deserialization");
let artifact = serde_json::from_str::<HardhatArtifact>(&content)?;
tracing::trace!("successfully deserialized hardhat artifact");
fn contract_to_artifact(file: &str, name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact {
MinimalCombinedArtifacts::contract_to_artifact(file, name, contract)
/// Helper struct for serializing `--allow-paths` arguments to Solc
/// From the [Solc docs](
/// For security reasons the compiler has restrictions on what directories it can access.
/// Directories of source files specified on the command line and target paths of
/// remappings are automatically allowed to be accessed by the file reader,
/// but everything else is rejected by default. Additional paths (and their subdirectories)
/// can be allowed via the --allow-paths /sample/path,/another/sample/path switch.
/// Everything inside the path specified via --base-path is always allowed.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct AllowedLibPaths(pub(crate) Vec<PathBuf>);
impl fmt::Display for AllowedLibPaths {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let lib_paths = self
.filter(|path| path.exists())
.map(|path| format!("{}", path.display()))
write!(f, "{}", lib_paths)
impl<T: Into<PathBuf>> TryFrom<Vec<T>> for AllowedLibPaths {
type Error = SolcIoError;
fn try_from(libs: Vec<T>) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let libs = libs
.map(|lib| {
let path: PathBuf = lib.into();
let lib = dunce::canonicalize(&path).map_err(|err| SolcIoError::new(err, path))?;
.collect::<std::result::Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;