import EventEmitter from "events"; import crypto from "crypto"; // @ts-ignore import LRU from "lru"; import debug0 from "debug"; // @ts-ignore import Protomux from "protomux"; import { Packet } from "./messages.js"; // @ts-ignore import c from "compact-encoding"; import b4a from "b4a"; // @ts-ignore import sodium from "sodium-universal"; const debug = debug0("dht-flood"); const LRU_SIZE = 255; const TTL = 255; const PROTOCOL = "lumeweb.flood"; export default class DHTFlood extends EventEmitter { private id: Buffer; private ttl: number; private messageNumber: number; private lru: LRU; private swarm: any; private protocol: string; private topic: Buffer; private symbol: Symbol; private socketMap: Set = new Set(); private discovery: any; constructor({ lruSize = LRU_SIZE, ttl = TTL, messageNumber = 0, id = crypto.randomBytes(32), swarm = null, protocol = PROTOCOL, } = {}) { super(); = id; this.ttl = ttl; this.messageNumber = messageNumber; this.lru = new LRU(lruSize); this.protocol = protocol; if (!swarm) { throw new Error("swarm is required"); } this.swarm = swarm; this.swarm.on("connection", (peer: any) => { const mux = Protomux.from(peer); mux.pair({ protocol: this.protocol }, () => this.setupPeer(peer)); }); const topic = b4a.from(this.protocol); const topicHash = b4a.allocUnsafe(32); sodium.crypto_generichash(topicHash, topic); this.topic = topicHash as Buffer; this.discovery = this.swarm.join(topicHash); this.symbol = Symbol.for(this.protocol); } private handleMessage( { originId, messageNumber, ttl, data }: Packet, messenger: any ) { const originIdBuf = b4a.from(originId) as Buffer; // Ignore messages from ourselves if (originIdBuf.equals( return debug("Got message from self", originId, messageNumber); // Ignore messages we've already seen const key = originIdBuf.toString("hex") + messageNumber; if (this.lru.get(key)) return debug( "Got message that was already seen", originId, messageNumber ); this.lru.set(key, true); this.emit("message", data, originId, messageNumber); if (ttl <= 0) { return debug("Got message at end of TTL", originId, messageNumber, ttl); } messenger.send({ originId, messageNumber, data, ttl: ttl - 1, }); } private setupPeer(peer: any) { const mux = Protomux.from(peer); let chan: any; const self = this; if (!mux.opened({ protocol: this.protocol })) { chan = mux.createChannel({ protocol: this.protocol, async onopen() { self.emit("peer-open", peer); }, }); if (chan) { // @ts-ignore peer[this.symbol] = chan; } } if (!this.socketMap.has(peer)) { const close = () => { self.emit("peer-remove", peer); peer.removeListener("close", close); this.socketMap.delete(peer); }; peer.on("close", close); this.socketMap.add(peer); } // @ts-ignore chan = peer[this.symbol]; if (!chan) { throw new Error("could not find channel"); } if (!chan.messages.length) { chan.addMessage({ encoding: { preencode: (state: any, m: any) => c.raw.preencode(state, Packet.toBinary(Packet.create(m))), encode: (state: any, m: any) => c.raw.encode(state, Packet.toBinary(Packet.create(m))), decode: (state: any) => Packet.fromBinary(c.raw.decode(state)), }, onmessage: (msg: any) => this.handleMessage(msg, chan.messages[0]), }); } if (!chan.opened) {; } return chan.messages[0]; } async broadcast(data: any, ttl = this.ttl) { let failed: Buffer[] = []; for (const peer of this.getAllPeers()) { if (!this.trySendDataToPubkey(peer, data, ttl)) { failed.push(peer); } } if (failed.length) { await this.discovery.refresh(); for (const peer of failed) { this.trySendDataToPubkey(peer, data, ttl); } } } private getTopicPeers(): Buffer[] { return [...this.swarm.peers.values()] .filter((peerInfo: any) => peerInfo._seenTopics.has(this.topic.toString("hex")) ) .map((peerInfo) => peerInfo.publicKey); } private getAllPeers(): Buffer[] { return [...this.swarm._allConnections[Symbol.iterator]()].map( (peer: any) => peer.remotePublicKey ); } private trySendDataToPubkey(peer: any, data: any, ttl: number) { const topicPeers = this.getTopicPeers(); const found = topicPeers.filter((item) => b4a.equals(item, peer)); if (!found.length) { return false; } const conn = this.swarm._allConnections.get(peer); if (!conn) { return false; } this.send(conn, data, ttl); return true; } send(peer: any, data: any, ttl = this.ttl) { this.messageNumber++; const { id, messageNumber } = this; const message = this.setupPeer(peer); message.send({ originId: id, messageNumber, ttl, data: b4a.from(data), }); } }