import type { BinaryWriteOptions } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; import type { IBinaryWriter } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; import type { BinaryReadOptions } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; import type { IBinaryReader } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; import type { PartialMessage } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; import { MessageType } from "@protobuf-ts/runtime"; /** * @generated from protobuf message Message */ export interface Message { /** * @generated from protobuf field: Type type = 1; */ type: Type; /** * @generated from protobuf field: map bootstrap = 2; */ bootstrap: { [key: string]: State; }; /** * @generated from protobuf field: optional bytes data = 3; */ data?: Uint8Array; /** * @generated from protobuf field: optional bytes id = 4; */ id?: Uint8Array; } /** * @generated from protobuf message State */ export interface State { /** * @generated from protobuf field: repeated bytes connectedTo = 1; */ connectedTo: Uint8Array[]; /** * @generated from protobuf field: optional bytes data = 2; */ data?: Uint8Array; } /** * @generated from protobuf enum Type */ export declare enum Type { /** * @generated synthetic value - protobuf-ts requires all enums to have a 0 value */ UNSPECIFIED$ = 0, /** * @generated from protobuf enum value: BOOTSTRAP_REQUEST = 1; */ BOOTSTRAP_REQUEST = 1, /** * @generated from protobuf enum value: BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSE = 2; */ BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSE = 2, /** * @generated from protobuf enum value: CONNECTED = 3; */ CONNECTED = 3, /** * @generated from protobuf enum value: DISCONNECTED = 4; */ DISCONNECTED = 4, /** * @generated from protobuf enum value: STATE = 5; */ STATE = 5 } declare class Message$Type extends MessageType { constructor(); create(value?: PartialMessage): Message; internalBinaryRead(reader: IBinaryReader, length: number, options: BinaryReadOptions, target?: Message): Message; private binaryReadMap2; internalBinaryWrite(message: Message, writer: IBinaryWriter, options: BinaryWriteOptions): IBinaryWriter; } /** * @generated MessageType for protobuf message Message */ export declare const Message: Message$Type; declare class State$Type extends MessageType { constructor(); create(value?: PartialMessage): State; internalBinaryRead(reader: IBinaryReader, length: number, options: BinaryReadOptions, target?: State): State; internalBinaryWrite(message: State, writer: IBinaryWriter, options: BinaryWriteOptions): IBinaryWriter; } /** * @generated MessageType for protobuf message State */ export declare const State: State$Type; export {}; //#