import DHTOnlineBase from "./dhtOnlineBase.js"; import DHTFlood from "@lumeweb/dht-flood"; const DISCONNECT_SMOOTH = 500; export default class DHTOnline extends DHTOnlineBase { private flood: DHTFlood; private swarm: any; constructor( swarm: any, { id = swarm.keyPair.publicKey, data = {}, protocol = undefined, ...opts } = {} ) { super(id, opts); this.flood = new DHTFlood({ id, swarm, protocol, ...opts }); this.swarm = swarm; this.flood.on("peer-open", (peer) => this.handlePeerAdd(peer)); this.flood.on("peer-remove", (peer) => this.handlePeerRemove(peer)); this.flood.on("message", (message, id) => this.onGetBroadcast(message, id)); this.swarm.on("connection", (peer: any) => this.flood.send(peer, Buffer.from("hello"), 0) ); = data; [...this.swarm.peers.values()].forEach(this.handlePeerAdd.bind(this)); } handlePeerAdd(peer: any) { const id = peer.remotePublicKey; this.onAddPeer(id); } handlePeerRemove(peer: any) { const id = peer.remotePublicKey; // Wait for a bit and check if we're still disconnected before removing the peer setTimeout(() => { if (this.swarm._allConnections.has(id)) { return; } this.onRemovePeer(id); }, DISCONNECT_SMOOTH); } broadcast(message: any, ttl?: number) { this.flood.broadcast(message, ttl); } }