"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const events_1 = __importDefault(require("events")); // @ts-ignore const jsnetworkx_1 = require("jsnetworkx"); const codecs_1 = __importDefault(require("codecs")); const messages_js_1 = require("./messages.js"); const DEFAULT_ENCODING = "json"; class DHTOnlineBase extends events_1.default { id; bootstrapped; graph; connectedTo; encoding; constructor(id, { encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING } = {}) { super(); if (!id) throw new TypeError("Must provide id for self"); this.id = id; this.bootstrapped = false; this.graph = new jsnetworkx_1.DiGraph(); this.connectedTo = new Set(); this._data = {}; this.encoding = (0, codecs_1.default)(encoding || DEFAULT_ENCODING); this._online = [this._maybeHexify(this.id)]; } _data; get data() { return { ...this._data }; } set data(value) { this._data = value; this._setPeer(this.id, value); this._broadcastData(); } _online; get online() { return this._online; } broadcast(data, ttl) { throw new TypeError("Broadcast has not been implemented"); } getPeerData(id) { return this.graph.node.get(this._maybeHexify(id)); } onAddPeer(id) { const stringId = id.toString("hex"); if (this.connectedTo.has(stringId)) { return; } // Already know we're connected here this.connectedTo.add(stringId); this._addPeerConnection(this.id, id); this.emit("peer-add", id); this._recalculate(); this.broadcast(messages_js_1.Message.toBinary(messages_js_1.Message.create({ type: messages_js_1.Type.CONNECTED, id, }))); this._broadcastData(); if (this.bootstrapped) { return; } // If this is the first person we've met, get their graph this.broadcast(messages_js_1.Message.toBinary(messages_js_1.Message.create({ type: messages_js_1.Type.BOOTSTRAP_REQUEST, })), 0); } onRemovePeer(id) { this.connectedTo.delete(id.toString("hex")); this._removePeerConnection(this.id, id); this.emit("peer-remove"); this._recalculate(); this.broadcast(messages_js_1.Message.toBinary(messages_js_1.Message.create({ type: messages_js_1.Type.DISCONNECTED, id, }))); } onGetBroadcast(message, id) { let decoded; try { decoded = messages_js_1.Message.fromBinary(message); } catch { return; } const { type } = decoded; if (!type) { throw new Error("Missing Type In Message"); } if (type === messages_js_1.Type.STATE) { const { data: rawData } = decoded; const data = this.encoding.decode(rawData); this._setPeer(id, data); this.emit("peer-data", data, id); this._recalculate(); } else if (type === messages_js_1.Type.CONNECTED) { const { id: toId } = decoded; this._addPeerConnection(id, Buffer.from(toId)); this.emit("peer-add-seen", id, toId); this._recalculate(); } else if (type === messages_js_1.Type.DISCONNECTED) { const { id: toId } = decoded; this._removePeerConnection(id, Buffer.from(toId)); this.emit("peer-remove-seen", id, toId); this._recalculate(); } else if (type === messages_js_1.Type.BOOTSTRAP_REQUEST) { const bootstrap = this._getBootstrapInfo(); this.broadcast(messages_js_1.Message.toBinary(messages_js_1.Message.create({ type: messages_js_1.Type.BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSE, bootstrap, })), 0); } else if (type === messages_js_1.Type.BOOTSTRAP_RESPONSE) { const { bootstrap } = decoded; this._bootstrapFrom(bootstrap); } } _broadcastData() { const rawData = this._data; if (!Object.keys(rawData).length) { return; } const data = this.encoding.encode(rawData); this.broadcast(messages_js_1.Message.toBinary(messages_js_1.Message.create({ type: messages_js_1.Type.STATE, data, }))); } _hasSeenPeer(id) { return this.graph.hasNode(this._maybeHexify(id)); } _setPeer(id, data) { this.graph.addNode(this._maybeHexify(id), data); } _ensurePeer(id) { id = this._maybeHexify(id); if (!this._hasSeenPeer(id)) { this._setPeer(id, {}); } } _addPeerConnection(origin, destination) { this._ensurePeer(origin); this._ensurePeer(destination); this.graph.addEdge(this._maybeHexify(origin), this._maybeHexify(destination)); } _removePeerConnection(origin, destination) { try { this._ensurePeer(origin); this._ensurePeer(destination); this.graph.removeEdge(origin.toString("hex"), destination.toString("hex")); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "JSNetworkXError") throw e; } } _bootstrapFrom(bootstrap) { if (this.bootstrapped) { return; } for (const id in bootstrap) { const { data, connectedTo } = bootstrap[id]; const parsedData = data ? this.encoding.decode(data) : null; let peerData = parsedData || {}; if (id === this.id.toString("hex")) continue; // If we're already tracking them if (this._hasSeenPeer(id)) { // See what data we already have for them // Add their existing data to what we got from the bootstrap const existingPeerData = this.getPeerData(id); peerData = { ...existingPeerData, ...peerData }; } this._setPeer(id, peerData); for (const connection of connectedTo) { this._addPeerConnection(id, Buffer.from(connection)); } } this.emit("bootstrapped"); this._recalculate(); } _getBootstrapInfo() { const state = {}; for (const [id, rawData] of this.graph.nodes(true)) { const connectedTo = this.graph .neighbors(id) .map((id) => Buffer.from(id, "hex")); const data = rawData ? this.encoding.encode(rawData) : null; state[id] = { data, connectedTo }; } return state; } // Calculate who's online and emit an event _recalculate() { const online = this.graph.nodes().filter((id) => { return (0, jsnetworkx_1.hasPath)(this.graph, { source: this._maybeHexify(this.id), target: id, }); }); const offline = this.graph.nodes().filter((id) => { return !(0, jsnetworkx_1.hasPath)(this.graph, { source: this._maybeHexify(this.id), target: id, }); }); for (const id of offline) { this.graph.removeNode(id); } this._online = online; this.emit("online", online); } _maybeHexify(data) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { return data.toString("hex"); } return data; } } exports.default = DHTOnlineBase;