import {Keypair} from "./keypair"; import {PrivateKey} from "./privateKey"; import {G2point} from "./helpers/g2point"; import {G1point} from "./helpers/g1point"; import {PublicKey} from "./publicKey"; import {Signature} from "./signature"; import {ElipticCurvePairing} from "./helpers/ec-pairing"; import ctx from "./ctx"; import {BLSPubkey, BLSSecretKey, BLSSignature, bytes32, Domain} from "@chainsafe/eth2.0-types"; export {Keypair, PrivateKey, PublicKey, Signature}; /** * Generates new secret and public key */ export function generateKeyPair(): Keypair { return Keypair.generate(); } /** * Generates public key from given secret. * @param {BLSSecretKey} secretKey */ export function generatePublicKey(secretKey: BLSSecretKey): BLSPubkey { const keypair = new Keypair(PrivateKey.fromBytes(secretKey)); return keypair.publicKey.toBytesCompressed(); } /** * Signs given message using secret key. * @param secretKey * @param messageHash * @param domain */ export function sign(secretKey: BLSSecretKey, messageHash: bytes32, domain: Domain): BLSSignature { const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromBytes(secretKey); const hash = G2point.hashToG2(messageHash, domain); return privateKey.sign(hash).toBytesCompressed(); } /** * Compines all given signature into one. * @param signatures */ export function aggregateSignatures(signatures: BLSSignature[]): BLSSignature { return Signature => { return Signature.fromCompressedBytes(signature); }).reduce((previousValue, currentValue): Signature => { return previousValue.add(currentValue); }).toBytesCompressed(); } /** * Combines all given public keys into single one * @param publicKeys */ export function aggregatePubkeys(publicKeys: BLSPubkey[]): BLSPubkey { if(publicKeys.length === 0) { return new G1point(new ctx.ECP()).toBytesCompressed(); } return G1point => { return G1point.fromBytesCompressed(publicKey); }).reduce((previousValue, currentValue): G1point => { return previousValue.add(currentValue); }).toBytesCompressed(); } /** * Verifies if signature is message signed with given public key. * @param publicKey * @param messageHash * @param signature * @param domain */ export function verify(publicKey: BLSPubkey, messageHash: bytes32, signature: BLSSignature, domain: Domain): boolean { try { const key = PublicKey.fromBytes(publicKey); const sig = Signature.fromCompressedBytes(signature); const g1Generated = G1point.generator(); const e1 = ElipticCurvePairing.pair(key.getPoint(), G2point.hashToG2(messageHash, domain)); const e2 = ElipticCurvePairing.pair(g1Generated, sig.getPoint()); return e1.equals(e2); } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Verifies if signature is list of message signed with corresponding public key. * @param publicKeys * @param messageHashes * @param signature * @param domain */ export function verifyMultiple(publicKeys: BLSPubkey[], messageHashes: bytes32[], signature: BLSSignature, domain: Domain): boolean { if(publicKeys.length === 0 || publicKeys.length != messageHashes.length) { return false; } try { const g1Generated = G1point.generator(); const eCombined = new ctx.FP12(1); publicKeys.forEach((publicKey, index): void => { const g2 = G2point.hashToG2(messageHashes[index], domain); eCombined.mul( ElipticCurvePairing.pair( PublicKey.fromBytes(publicKey).getPoint(), g2 ) ); }); const e2 = ElipticCurvePairing.pair(g1Generated, Signature.fromCompressedBytes(signature).getPoint()); return e2.equals(eCombined); } catch (e) { return false; } } export default { generateKeyPair, generatePublicKey, sign, aggregateSignatures, aggregatePubkeys, verify, verifyMultiple };