import {expect} from "chai"; import {IBls} from "../../src/interface"; export function runPrivateKeyTests(bls: IBls): void { describe("PrivateKey", () => { it("should generate fromKeygen private key", () => { const privateKey1 = bls.PrivateKey.fromKeygen(); const privateKey2 = bls.PrivateKey.fromKeygen(); expect(privateKey1.toHex()); }); const privateKey = "0x07656fd676da43883d163f49566c72b9cbf0a5a294f26808c807700732456da7"; it("should export private key to hex string", () => { expect(bls.PrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey).toHex()); }); it("should export private key to hex string from non-prefixed hex", () => { expect(bls.PrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey).toHex()); }); it("should not accept too short private key", () => { expect(() => bls.PrivateKey.fromHex("0x2123")).to.throw(); }); }); }