import {expect} from "chai"; import {init, bls} from "../../src/index.js"; import type {SecretKey, PublicKey, Signature} from "../../src/types.js"; describe("types named exports", () => { it("Classes and methods should be defined", async () => { await init("herumi"); /** * Sample helper to test argument typing */ function verifyHelper(pk: PublicKey, sig: Signature, msg: Uint8Array): boolean { return sig.verify(pk, msg); } const sk = bls.SecretKey.fromKeygen(); const msg = new Uint8Array(32); const sig = sk.sign(msg); const pk = sk.toPublicKey(); expect(verifyHelper(pk, sig, msg)); }); it("Make sure exported classes are compatible with interface", () => { const sk: SecretKey = bls.SecretKey.fromKeygen(); const pk: PublicKey = sk.toPublicKey(); const sig: Signature = sk.sign(new Uint8Array(32)); pk; sig; }); });