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2019-08-05 15:48:26 +00:00
import {BIG} from "@chainsafe/milagro-crypto-js/src/big";
import {ECP} from "@chainsafe/milagro-crypto-js/src/ecp";
import ctx from "../ctx";
import {bytes48} from "../types";
import assert from "assert";
import {calculateYFlag, getModulus} from "./utils";
import * as random from "secure-random";
import {FP_POINT_LENGTH} from "../constants";
export class G1point {
private point: ECP;
public constructor(point: ECP) {
this.point = point;
public mul(value: BIG): G1point {
const newPoint = this.point.mul(value);
return new G1point(newPoint);
public add(other: G1point): G1point {
const sum = new ctx.ECP();
return new G1point(sum);
public equal(other: G1point): boolean {
return this.point.equals(other.point);
public toBytes(): bytes48 {
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(FP_POINT_LENGTH, 0);
this.point.getX().tobytearray(buffer, 0);
return buffer;
public getPoint(): ECP {
return this.point;
public toBytesCompressed(): bytes48 {
const output = this.toBytes();
const c = true;
const b = this.point.is_infinity();
const a = !b && calculateYFlag(this.point.getY());
const flags = ((a ? 1 << 5 : 0) | (b ? 1 << 6 : 0) | (c ? 1 << 7 : 0));
const mask = 31;
output[0] &= mask;
output[0] |= flags;
return output;
public static fromBytesCompressed(value: bytes48): G1point {
assert(value.length === FP_POINT_LENGTH, `Expected g1 compressed input to have ${FP_POINT_LENGTH} bytes`);
value = Buffer.from(value);
const aIn = (value[0] & (1 << 5)) != 0;
const bIn = (value[0] & (1 << 6)) != 0;
const cIn = (value[0] & (1 << 7)) != 0;
value[0] &= 31;
if (!cIn) {
throw new Error("The serialised input does not have the C flag set.");
const x = ctx.BIG.frombytearray(value, 0);
if (bIn) {
if (!aIn && x.iszilch()) {
// This is a correctly formed serialisation of infinity
return new G1point(new ctx.ECP());
} else {
// The input is malformed
throw new Error(
"The serialised input has B flag set, but A flag is set, or X is non-zero.");
const modulus = getModulus();
if (ctx.BIG.comp(modulus, x) <= 0) {
throw new Error("X coordinate is too large.");
let point = new ctx.ECP();
if (point.is_infinity()) {
throw new Error("X coordinate is not on the curve.");
// Did we get the right branch of the sqrt?
if (!point.is_infinity() && aIn != calculateYFlag(point.getY())) {
// We didn't: so choose the other branch of the sqrt.
const x = new ctx.FP(point.getX());
const yneg = new ctx.FP(point.getY());
point.setxy(x.redc(), yneg.redc())
return new G1point(point);
public static generator(): G1point {
return new G1point(ctx.ECP.generator());
public static random(): G1point {
let ecp: ECP;
do {
ecp = new ctx.ECP();
} while (ecp.is_infinity());
return new G1point(ecp);