function abs(a) { return (a >= 0) ? a : -a; } function bitLength(a) { if (typeof a === 'number') a = BigInt(a); if (a === 1n) { return 1; } let bits = 1; do { bits++; } while ((a >>= 1n) > 1n); return bits; } function eGcd(a, b) { if (typeof a === 'number') a = BigInt(a); if (typeof b === 'number') b = BigInt(b); if (a <= 0n || b <= 0n) throw new RangeError('a and b MUST be > 0'); let x = 0n; let y = 1n; let u = 1n; let v = 0n; while (a !== 0n) { const q = b / a; const r = b % a; const m = x - (u * q); const n = y - (v * q); b = a; a = r; x = u; y = v; u = m; v = n; } return { g: b, x, y }; } function toZn(a, n) { if (typeof a === 'number') a = BigInt(a); if (typeof n === 'number') n = BigInt(n); if (n <= 0n) { throw new RangeError('n must be > 0'); } const aZn = a % n; return (aZn < 0n) ? aZn + n : aZn; } function modInv(a, n) { const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n); if (egcd.g !== 1n) { throw new RangeError(`${a.toString()} does not have inverse modulo ${n.toString()}`); } else { return toZn(egcd.x, n); } } function crt(remainders, modulos, modulo) { if (remainders.length !== modulos.length) { throw new RangeError('The remainders and modulos arrays should have the same length'); } const product = modulo ?? modulos.reduce((acc, val) => acc * val, 1n); return modulos.reduce((sum, mod, index) => { const partialProduct = product / mod; const inverse = modInv(partialProduct, mod); const toAdd = ((partialProduct * inverse) % product * remainders[index]) % product; return toZn(sum + toAdd, product); }, 0n); } function gcd(a, b) { let aAbs = (typeof a === 'number') ? BigInt(abs(a)) : abs(a); let bAbs = (typeof b === 'number') ? BigInt(abs(b)) : abs(b); if (aAbs === 0n) { return bAbs; } else if (bAbs === 0n) { return aAbs; } let shift = 0n; while (((aAbs | bAbs) & 1n) === 0n) { aAbs >>= 1n; bAbs >>= 1n; shift++; } while ((aAbs & 1n) === 0n) aAbs >>= 1n; do { while ((bAbs & 1n) === 0n) bAbs >>= 1n; if (aAbs > bAbs) { const x = aAbs; aAbs = bAbs; bAbs = x; } bAbs -= aAbs; } while (bAbs !== 0n); return aAbs << shift; } function lcm(a, b) { if (typeof a === 'number') a = BigInt(a); if (typeof b === 'number') b = BigInt(b); if (a === 0n && b === 0n) return BigInt(0); return abs((a / gcd(a, b)) * b); } function max(a, b) { return (a >= b) ? a : b; } function min(a, b) { return (a >= b) ? b : a; } function modAdd(addends, n) { const mod = BigInt(n); const as = => BigInt(a) % mod); return toZn(as.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a % mod, 0n), mod); } function modMultiply(factors, n) { const mod = BigInt(n); const as = => BigInt(a) % mod); return toZn(as.reduce((prod, a) => prod * a % mod, 1n), mod); } function phi(primeFactorization) { return => (v[0] ** (v[1] - 1n)) * (v[0] - 1n)).reduce((prev, curr) => { return curr * prev; }, 1n); } function modPow(b, e, n, primeFactorization) { if (typeof b === 'number') b = BigInt(b); if (typeof e === 'number') e = BigInt(e); if (typeof n === 'number') n = BigInt(n); if (n <= 0n) { throw new RangeError('n must be > 0'); } else if (n === 1n) { return 0n; } b = toZn(b, n); if (e < 0n) { return modInv(modPow(b, abs(e), n, primeFactorization), n); } if (primeFactorization !== undefined) { return modPowWithFactorization(b, e, n, primePowerArguments(primeFactorization)); } let r = 1n; while (e > 0) { if ((e % 2n) === 1n) { r = r * b % n; } e = e / 2n; b = b ** 2n % n; } return r; } function primePowerArguments(primeFactors) { const primePowers = {}; primeFactors.forEach((primeFactor) => { if (typeof primeFactor === 'bigint' || typeof primeFactor === 'number') { const key = String(primeFactor); if (primePowers[key] === undefined) { primePowers[key] = { p: BigInt(primeFactor), k: 1n }; } else { primePowers[key].k += 1n; } } else { const key = String(primeFactor[0]); if (primePowers[key] === undefined) { primePowers[key] = { p: BigInt(primeFactor[0]), k: BigInt(primeFactor[1]) }; } else { primePowers[key].k += BigInt(primeFactor[1]); } } }); return Object.values(primePowers).map(val => [val.p, val.k]); } function modPowWithFactorization(b, e, n, primeFactorization) { const mods = => v[0] ** v[1]); const phis = => phi([v])); const remainders =, i) => modPow(b, e % phi, mods[i])); return crt(remainders, mods, n); } export { abs, bitLength, crt, eGcd, gcd, lcm, max, min, modAdd, modInv, modMultiply, modPow, phi, toZn };