'use strict' // Every test file (you can create as many as you want) should start like this // Please, do NOT touch. They will be automatically removed for browser tests --> const _pkg = require('../lib/index.node') const chai = require('chai') // <-- const inputs = [ { value: BigInt(1), bitLength: 1 }, { value: BigInt(-2), bitLength: 2 }, { value: BigInt(11592217955149597331), abs: BigInt(11592217955149597331), bitLength: 64 } ] describe('bitLength', function () { for (const input of inputs) { describe(`bitLength(${input.value})`, function () { it(`should return ${input.bitLength}`, function () { const ret = _pkg.bitLength(input.value) chai.expect(ret).to.equal(input.bitLength) }) }) } })