coverage and coveralls. fixed minor bugs. github actions. lsbadges in README
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ logs
# Dependency directories
# Output of 'npm pack'
@ -13,4 +13,8 @@ node_modules/
# IntelliJ
# MYC output
@ -19,4 +19,14 @@ npm-debug.log*
# IntelliJ
# MYC output
# Travis
# GitHub
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@

# bigint-mod-arith
@ -15,9 +18,9 @@ bigint-mod-arith can be imported to your project with `npm`:
npm install bigint-mod-arith
NPM installation defaults to the ES6 module for browsers and the CJS one for Node.js.
For web browsers, you can also directly download the [IIFE bundle]( or the [ES6 bundle module]( from GitHub.
NPM installation defaults to the ES6 module for browsers and the CJS one for Node.js. For web browsers, you can also directly download the [IIFE bundle]( or the [ESM bundle]( from the repository.
## Usage example
@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ Import your module as :
const bigintModArith = require('bigint-mod-arith')
... // your code here
- JavaScript native or TypeScript project
- JavaScript native or TypeScript project (including Angular and React)
import * as bigintModArith from 'bigint-mod-arith'
... // your code here
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ Some common functions for modular arithmetic using native JS implementation of B
* [~lcm(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..lcm) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~max(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..max) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~min(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..min) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~modInv(a, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..modInv) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~modInv(a, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..modInv) ⇒ <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code>
* [~modPow(b, e, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..modPow) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~toZn(a, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..toZn) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
* [~egcdReturn](#module_bigint-mod-arith..egcdReturn) : <code>Object</code>
@ -183,11 +186,11 @@ Minimum. min(a,b)==b if a>=b. min(a,b)==a if a<=b
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..modInv"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~modInv(a, n) ⇒ <code>bigint</code>
#### bigint-mod-arith~modInv(a, n) ⇒ <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code>
Modular inverse.
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code> - the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
@ -14,12 +14,40 @@ function camelise (str) {
function getRepositoryData () {
if (typeof pkgJson.repository === 'string') {
const repodata = pkgJson.repository.split(/[:/]/)
const repoProvider = repodata[0]
if (repoProvider === 'github' || repoProvider === 'gitlab' || repoProvider === 'bitbucket') {
return {
repoUsername: repodata[1],
repoName: repodata[2]
} else return null
const { repoProvider, repoUsername, repoName } = getRepositoryData() || { repoProvider: null, repoUsername: null, repoName: null }
let iifeBundle, esmBundle, workflowBadget, coverallsBadge
if (repoProvider && repoProvider === 'github') {
iifeBundle = `[IIFE bundle](${repoUsername}/${repoName}/master/lib/index.browser.bundle.iife.js)`
esmBundle = `[ESM bundle](${repoUsername}/${repoName}/master/lib/index.browser.bundle.mod.js)`
workflowBadget = ``
coverallsBadge = `[](${repoUsername}/${repoName}?branch=master)`
const templateFile = path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.directories.src, 'doc', '')
const template = fs.readFileSync(templateFile, { encoding: 'UTF-8' })
let template = fs.readFileSync(templateFile, { encoding: 'UTF-8' })
.replace(/\{\{PKG_CAMELCASE\}\}/g, camelise(
.replace(/\{\{IIFE_BUNDLE\}\}/g, 'IIFE bundle')
.replace(/\{\{ESM_BUNDLE\}\}/g, 'ES6 bundle module')
.replace(/\{\{IIFE_BUNDLE\}\}/g, iifeBundle || 'IIFE bundle')
.replace(/\{\{ESM_BUNDLE\}\}/g, esmBundle || 'ESM bundle')
if (repoProvider && repoProvider === 'github') {
template = template.replace(/\{\{GITHUB_ACTIONS_BADGES\}\}/g, workflowBadget + '\n' + coverallsBadge)
const input = path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.browser)
// Let us replace bigint literals by standard numbers to avoid issues with bigint
@ -1 +1 @@
var bigintModArith=function(n){"use strict";function t(n){return(n=BigInt(n))>=0n?n:-n}function r(n,t){if((n=BigInt(n))<=0n|(t=BigInt(t))<=0n)return NaN;let r=0n,i=1n,u=1n,e=0n;for(;0n!==n;){const o=t/n,f=t%n,c=r-u*o,g=i-e*o;t=n,n=f,r=u,i=e,u=c,e=g}return{b:t,x:r,y:i}}function i(n,r){if(n=t(n),r=t(r),0n===n)return r;if(0n===r)return n;let i=0n;for(;!(1n&(n|r));)n>>=1n,r>>=1n,i++;for(;!(1n&n);)n>>=1n;do{for(;!(1n&r);)r>>=1n;if(n>r){const t=n;n=r,r=t}r-=n}while(r);return n<<i}function u(n,t){const i=r(e(n,t),t);return 1n!==i.b?NaN:e(i.x,t)}function e(n,t){return(t=BigInt(t))<=0?NaN:(n=BigInt(n)%t)<0?n+t:n}return n.abs=t,n.bitLength=function(n){if(1n===(n=BigInt(n)))return 1;let t=1;do{t++}while((n>>=1n)>1n);return t},n.eGcd=r,n.gcd=i,n.lcm=function(n,r){return n=BigInt(n),r=BigInt(r),0n===n&&0n===r?0n:t(n*r)/i(n,r)},n.max=function(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?n:t},n.min=function(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?t:n},n.modInv=u,n.modPow=function n(r,i,o){if(0n===(o=BigInt(o)))return NaN;if(1n===o)return 0n;if(r=e(r,o),(i=BigInt(i))<0n)return u(n(r,t(i),o),o);let f=1n;for(;i>0;)i%2n===1n&&(f=f*r%o),i/=2n,r=r**2n%o;return f},n.toZn=e,n}({});
var bigintModArith=function(n){"use strict";function t(n){return(n=BigInt(n))>=0n?n:-n}function r(n,t){if((n=BigInt(n))<=0n|(t=BigInt(t))<=0n)throw new RangeError("a and b MUST be > 0");let r=0n,i=1n,e=1n,u=0n;for(;0n!==n;){const o=t/n,f=t%n,g=r-e*o,c=i-u*o;t=n,n=f,r=e,i=u,e=g,u=c}return{g:t,x:r,y:i}}function i(n,r){if(n=t(n),r=t(r),0n===n)return r;if(0n===r)return n;let i=0n;for(;!(1n&(n|r));)n>>=1n,r>>=1n,i++;for(;!(1n&n);)n>>=1n;do{for(;!(1n&r);)r>>=1n;if(n>r){const t=n;n=r,r=t}r-=n}while(r);return n<<i}function e(n,t){try{const i=r(u(n,t),t);return 1n!==i.g?NaN:u(i.x,t)}catch(n){return NaN}}function u(n,t){return(t=BigInt(t))<=0?NaN:(n=BigInt(n)%t)<0?n+t:n}return n.abs=t,n.bitLength=function(n){if(1n===(n=BigInt(n)))return 1;let t=1;do{t++}while((n>>=1n)>1n);return t},n.eGcd=r,n.gcd=i,n.lcm=function(n,r){return n=BigInt(n),r=BigInt(r),0n===n&&0n===r?BigInt(0):t(n*r)/i(n,r)},n.max=function(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?n:t},n.min=function(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?t:n},n.modInv=e,n.modPow=function n(r,i,o){if(0n===(o=BigInt(o)))return NaN;if(1n===o)return BigInt(0);if(r=u(r,o),(i=BigInt(i))<0n)return e(n(r,t(i),o),o);let f=1n;for(;i>0;)i%2n===1n&&(f=f*r%o),i/=2n,r=r**2n%o;return f},n.toZn=u,n}({});
@ -1 +1 @@
function n(n){return(n=BigInt(n))>=0n?n:-n}function t(n){if(1n===(n=BigInt(n)))return 1;let t=1;do{t++}while((n>>=1n)>1n);return t}function r(n,t){if((n=BigInt(n))<=0n|(t=BigInt(t))<=0n)return NaN;let r=0n,i=1n,u=1n,e=0n;for(;0n!==n;){const f=t/n,o=t%n,g=r-u*f,B=i-e*f;t=n,n=o,r=u,i=e,u=g,e=B}return{b:t,x:r,y:i}}function i(t,r){if(t=n(t),r=n(r),0n===t)return r;if(0n===r)return t;let i=0n;for(;!(1n&(t|r));)t>>=1n,r>>=1n,i++;for(;!(1n&t);)t>>=1n;do{for(;!(1n&r);)r>>=1n;if(t>r){const n=t;t=r,r=n}r-=t}while(r);return t<<i}function u(t,r){return t=BigInt(t),r=BigInt(r),0n===t&&0n===r?0n:n(t*r)/i(t,r)}function e(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?n:t}function f(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?t:n}function o(n,t){const i=r(B(n,t),t);return 1n!==i.b?NaN:B(i.x,t)}function g(t,r,i){if(0n===(i=BigInt(i)))return NaN;if(1n===i)return 0n;if(t=B(t,i),(r=BigInt(r))<0n)return o(g(t,n(r),i),i);let u=1n;for(;r>0;)r%2n===1n&&(u=u*t%i),r/=2n,t=t**2n%i;return u}function B(n,t){return(t=BigInt(t))<=0?NaN:(n=BigInt(n)%t)<0?n+t:n}export{n as abs,t as bitLength,r as eGcd,i as gcd,u as lcm,e as max,f as min,o as modInv,g as modPow,B as toZn};
function n(n){return(n=BigInt(n))>=0n?n:-n}function t(n){if(1n===(n=BigInt(n)))return 1;let t=1;do{t++}while((n>>=1n)>1n);return t}function r(n,t){if((n=BigInt(n))<=0n|(t=BigInt(t))<=0n)throw new RangeError("a and b MUST be > 0");let r=0n,i=1n,e=1n,u=0n;for(;0n!==n;){const f=t/n,o=t%n,g=r-e*f,B=i-u*f;t=n,n=o,r=e,i=u,e=g,u=B}return{g:t,x:r,y:i}}function i(t,r){if(t=n(t),r=n(r),0n===t)return r;if(0n===r)return t;let i=0n;for(;!(1n&(t|r));)t>>=1n,r>>=1n,i++;for(;!(1n&t);)t>>=1n;do{for(;!(1n&r);)r>>=1n;if(t>r){const n=t;t=r,r=n}r-=t}while(r);return t<<i}function e(t,r){return t=BigInt(t),r=BigInt(r),0n===t&&0n===r?BigInt(0):n(t*r)/i(t,r)}function u(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?n:t}function f(n,t){return(n=BigInt(n))>=(t=BigInt(t))?t:n}function o(n,t){try{const i=r(B(n,t),t);return 1n!==i.g?NaN:B(i.x,t)}catch(n){return NaN}}function g(t,r,i){if(0n===(i=BigInt(i)))return NaN;if(1n===i)return BigInt(0);if(t=B(t,i),(r=BigInt(r))<0n)return o(g(t,n(r),i),i);let e=1n;for(;r>0;)r%2n===1n&&(e=e*t%i),r/=2n,t=t**2n%i;return e}function B(n,t){return(t=BigInt(t))<=0?NaN:(n=BigInt(n)%t)<0?n+t:n}export{n as abs,t as bitLength,r as eGcd,i as gcd,e as lcm,u as max,f as min,o as modInv,g as modPow,B as toZn};
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function bitLength (a) {
function eGcd (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) { return NaN } // a and b MUST be positive
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) throw new RangeError('a and b MUST be > 0') // a and b MUST be positive
let x = 0n
let y = 1n
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function eGcd (a, b) {
v = n
return {
b: b,
g: b,
x: x,
y: y
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ function gcd (a, b) {
function lcm (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) { return 0n }
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) return BigInt(0)
return abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b)
@ -157,14 +157,18 @@ function min (a, b) {
* @param {number|bigint} a The number to find an inverse for
* @param {number|bigint} n The modulo
* @returns {bigint} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
* @returns {bigint|NaN} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
function modInv (a, n) {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.b !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
try {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.g !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
} catch (error) {
return NaN
@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ function modInv (a, n) {
function modPow (b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n)
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return 0n }
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return BigInt(0) }
b = toZn(b, n)
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function bitLength (a) {
function eGcd (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) { return NaN } // a and b MUST be positive
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) throw new RangeError('a and b MUST be > 0') // a and b MUST be positive
let x = 0n
let y = 1n
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function eGcd (a, b) {
v = n
return {
b: b,
g: b,
x: x,
y: y
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ function gcd (a, b) {
function lcm (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) { return 0n }
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) return BigInt(0)
return abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b)
@ -161,14 +161,18 @@ function min (a, b) {
* @param {number|bigint} a The number to find an inverse for
* @param {number|bigint} n The modulo
* @returns {bigint} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
* @returns {bigint|NaN} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
function modInv (a, n) {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.b !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
try {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.g !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
} catch (error) {
return NaN
@ -183,7 +187,7 @@ function modInv (a, n) {
function modPow (b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n)
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return 0n }
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return BigInt(0) }
b = toZn(b, n)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"license": "MIT",
"author": {
"name": "Juan Hernández Serrano",
"email": "",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"repository": "github:juanelas/bigint-mod-arith",
@ -31,14 +31,16 @@
"types": "./types"
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha",
"test": "nyc --check-coverage mocha",
"coverage": "nyc report --reporter=lcov",
"build:js": "rollup -c build/rollup.config.js",
"build:standard": "standard --fix",
"build:browserTests": "rollup -c build/rollup.tests.config.js",
"build:docs": "node build/",
"build:dts": "node build/build.dts.js",
"build": "run-s build:**",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build"
"preversion": "npm run build && npm run test",
"postversion": "git push"
"standard": {
"env": [
@ -54,15 +56,16 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^11.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^11.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-multi-entry": "^3.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.1",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.3",
"@rollup/plugin-replace": "^2.3.1",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^5.0.3",
"mocha": "^7.1.1",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"rollup": "^2.3.3",
"nyc": "^15.0.1",
"rollup": "^2.6.1",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.3.0",
"standard": "^14.3.3",
"typescript": "^3.8.3"
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# bigint-mod-arith
# {{PKG_NAME}}
Some extra functions to work with modular arithmetic using native JS ([ES-2020]( implementation of BigInt. It can be used by any [Web Browser or webview supporting BigInt]( and with Node.js (>=10.4.0).
@ -8,16 +10,16 @@ Some extra functions to work with modular arithmetic using native JS ([ES-2020](
## Installation
bigint-mod-arith is distributed for [web browsers and/or webviews supporting BigInt]( as an ES6 module or an IIFE file; and for Node.js (>=10.4.0), as a CJS module.
{{PKG_NAME}} is distributed for [web browsers and/or webviews supporting BigInt]( as an ES6 module or an IIFE file; and for Node.js (>=10.4.0), as a CJS module.
bigint-mod-arith can be imported to your project with `npm`:
{{PKG_NAME}} can be imported to your project with `npm`:
npm install bigint-mod-arith
npm install {{PKG_NAME}}
NPM installation defaults to the ES6 module for browsers and the CJS one for Node.js.
For web browsers, you can also directly download the [IIFE bundle]( or the [ES6 bundle module]( from GitHub.
NPM installation defaults to the ES6 module for browsers and the CJS one for Node.js. For web browsers, you can also directly download the {{IIFE_BUNDLE}} or the {{ESM_BUNDLE}} from the repository.
## Usage example
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ Import your module as :
const {{PKG_CAMELCASE}} = require('{{PKG_NAME}}')
... // your code here
- JavaScript native or TypeScript project
- JavaScript native or TypeScript project (including Angular and React)
import * as {{PKG_CAMELCASE}} from '{{PKG_NAME}}'
... // your code here
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export function bitLength (a) {
export function eGcd (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) { return NaN } // a and b MUST be positive
if (a <= 0n | b <= 0n) throw new RangeError('a and b MUST be > 0') // a and b MUST be positive
let x = 0n
let y = 1n
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export function eGcd (a, b) {
v = n
return {
b: b,
g: b,
x: x,
y: y
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ export function gcd (a, b) {
export function lcm (a, b) {
a = BigInt(a)
b = BigInt(b)
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) { return 0n }
if (a === 0n && b === 0n) return BigInt(0)
return abs(a * b) / gcd(a, b)
@ -157,14 +157,18 @@ export function min (a, b) {
* @param {number|bigint} a The number to find an inverse for
* @param {number|bigint} n The modulo
* @returns {bigint} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
* @returns {bigint|NaN} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
export function modInv (a, n) {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.b !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
try {
const egcd = eGcd(toZn(a, n), n)
if (egcd.g !== 1n) {
return NaN // modular inverse does not exist
} else {
return toZn(egcd.x, n)
} catch (error) {
return NaN
@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ export function modInv (a, n) {
export function modPow (b, e, n) {
n = BigInt(n)
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return 0n }
if (n === 0n) { return NaN } else if (n === 1n) { return BigInt(0) }
b = toZn(b, n)
@ -109,6 +109,11 @@ const inputs$2 = [
b: BigInt(18),
gcd: BigInt(9)
a: BigInt(256),
b: BigInt(128),
gcd: BigInt(128)
a: BigInt('168694196579467171180863939518634764192343817610869919231900537093664715354591592262546800497540343203057121816378265655992490621138321114570420047522219942818258345349322155251835677199539229050711145144861404607171419723967136221126986330819362088262358855325306938646602003059377699727688477555163239222109'),
b: BigInt('168694196579467171180863939518634764192343817610869919231900537093664715354591592262546800497540343203057121816378265655992490621138321114570420047522219942818258345349322155251835677199539229050711145144861404607171419723967136221126986330819362088262358855325306938646602003059377699727688477555163239222109') * BigInt('144678545212641449725111562354371812236197961234111744040227045242578772124779004756249085154188369039159690638725821245974978963371615699005072473649705367893567309027634121825164880046600125480885803891136149601797439273507802533807541605261215613891134865916295914192271736572001975016089773532547481638243'),
@ -134,6 +139,11 @@ describe('gcd', function () {
// <--
const inputs$3 = [
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(0),
lcm: BigInt(0)
a: BigInt(1),
b: BigInt(1),
@ -382,6 +392,16 @@ const inputs$6 = [
a: BigInt(2),
n: BigInt(4),
modInv: NaN
a: BigInt(0),
n: BigInt(0),
modInv: NaN
a: BigInt(0),
n: BigInt(37),
modInv: NaN
@ -404,6 +424,18 @@ describe('modInv', function () {
// <--
const inputs$7 = [
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
n: BigInt(0),
modPow: NaN
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
n: BigInt(1),
modPow: BigInt(0)
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
@ -436,7 +468,7 @@ describe('modPow', function () {
describe(`modPow(${input.a}, ${input.b}, ${input.n})`, function () {
it(`should return ${input.modPow}`, function () {
const ret = _pkg.modPow(input.a, input.b, input.n);
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ const inputs = [
b: BigInt(18),
gcd: BigInt(9)
a: BigInt(256),
b: BigInt(128),
gcd: BigInt(128)
a: BigInt('168694196579467171180863939518634764192343817610869919231900537093664715354591592262546800497540343203057121816378265655992490621138321114570420047522219942818258345349322155251835677199539229050711145144861404607171419723967136221126986330819362088262358855325306938646602003059377699727688477555163239222109'),
b: BigInt('168694196579467171180863939518634764192343817610869919231900537093664715354591592262546800497540343203057121816378265655992490621138321114570420047522219942818258345349322155251835677199539229050711145144861404607171419723967136221126986330819362088262358855325306938646602003059377699727688477555163239222109') * BigInt('144678545212641449725111562354371812236197961234111744040227045242578772124779004756249085154188369039159690638725821245974978963371615699005072473649705367893567309027634121825164880046600125480885803891136149601797439273507802533807541605261215613891134865916295914192271736572001975016089773532547481638243'),
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ const chai = require('chai')
// <--
const inputs = [
a: BigInt(0),
b: BigInt(0),
lcm: BigInt(0)
a: BigInt(1),
b: BigInt(1),
@ -26,6 +26,16 @@ const inputs = [
a: BigInt(2),
n: BigInt(4),
modInv: NaN
a: BigInt(0),
n: BigInt(0),
modInv: NaN
a: BigInt(0),
n: BigInt(37),
modInv: NaN
@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ const chai = require('chai')
// <--
const inputs = [
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
n: BigInt(0),
modPow: NaN
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
n: BigInt(1),
modPow: BigInt(0)
a: BigInt(4),
b: BigInt(-1),
@ -39,7 +51,7 @@ describe('modPow', function () {
describe(`modPow(${input.a}, ${input.b}, ${input.n})`, function () {
it(`should return ${input.modPow}`, function () {
const ret = _pkg.modPow(input.a, input.b, input.n)
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ export function min(a: number | bigint, b: number | bigint): bigint;
* @param {number|bigint} a The number to find an inverse for
* @param {number|bigint} n The modulo
* @returns {bigint} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
* @returns {bigint|NaN} the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
export function modInv(a: number | bigint, n: number | bigint): bigint;
export function modInv(a: number | bigint, n: number | bigint): number | bigint;
* Modular exponentiation b**e mod n. Currently using the right-to-left binary method
Reference in New Issue