* Absolute value. abs(a)==a if a>=0. abs(a)==-a if a<0
* @param a
* @returns The absolute value of a
declare function abs(a: number | bigint): number | bigint;
* Returns the (minimum) length of a number expressed in bits.
* @param a
* @returns The bit length
declare function bitLength(a: number | bigint): number;
interface Egcd {
g: bigint;
x: bigint;
y: bigint;
* An iterative implementation of the extended euclidean algorithm or extended greatest common divisor algorithm.
* Take positive integers a, b as input, and return a triple (g, x, y), such that ax + by = g = gcd(a, b).
* @param a
* @param b
* @throws {@link RangeError} if a or b are <= 0
* @returns A triple (g, x, y), such that ax + by = g = gcd(a, b).
declare function eGcd(a: number | bigint, b: number | bigint): Egcd;
* Greatest common divisor of two integers based on the iterative binary algorithm.
* @param a
* @param b
* @returns The greatest common divisor of a and b
declare function gcd(a: number | bigint, b: number | bigint): bigint;
* The least common multiple computed as abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b)
* @param a
* @param b
* @returns The least common multiple of a and b
declare function lcm(a: number | bigint, b: number | bigint): bigint;
* Maximum. max(a,b)==a if a>=b. max(a,b)==b if a=b. min(a,b)==a if a;
* A probably-prime (Miller-Rabin), cryptographically-secure, random-number generator.
* The browser version uses web workers to parallelise prime look up. Therefore, it does not lock the UI
* main process, and it can be much faster (if several cores or cpu are available).
* The node version can also use worker_threads if they are available (enabled by default with Node 11 and
* and can be enabled at runtime executing node --experimental-worker with node >=10.5.0).
* @param bitLength - The required bit length for the generated prime
* @param iterations - The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @throws {@link RangeError} if bitLength < 1
* @returns A promise that resolves to a bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.
declare function prime(bitLength: number, iterations?: number): Promise;
* A probably-prime (Miller-Rabin), cryptographically-secure, random-number generator.
* The sync version is NOT RECOMMENDED since it won't use workers and thus it'll be slower and may freeze thw window in browser's javascript. Please consider using prime() instead.
* @param bitLength - The required bit length for the generated prime
* @param iterations - The number of iterations for the Miller-Rabin Probabilistic Primality Test
* @throws {@link RangeError} if bitLength < 1
* @returns A bigint probable prime of bitLength bits.
declare function primeSync(bitLength: number, iterations?: number): bigint;
* Returns a cryptographically secure random integer between [min,max].
* @param max Returned value will be <= max
* @param min Returned value will be >= min
* @throws {@link RangeError} if max <= min
* @returns A cryptographically secure random bigint between [min,max]
declare function randBetween(max: bigint, min?: bigint): bigint;
* Secure random bits for both node and browsers. Node version uses crypto.randomFill() and browser one self.crypto.getRandomValues()
* @param bitLength - The desired number of random bits
* @param forceLength - Set to true if you want to force the output to have a specific bit length. It basically forces the msb to be 1
* @throws {@link RangeError} if bitLength < 1
* @returns A Promise that resolves to a UInt8Array/Buffer (Browser/Node.js) filled with cryptographically secure random bits
declare function randBits(bitLength: number, forceLength?: boolean): Promise;
* Secure random bits for both node and browsers. Node version uses crypto.randomFill() and browser one self.crypto.getRandomValues()
* @param bitLength - The desired number of random bits
* @param forceLength - Set to true if you want to force the output to have a specific bit length. It basically forces the msb to be 1
* @throws {@link RangeError} if bitLength < 1
* @returns A Uint8Array/Buffer (Browser/Node.js) filled with cryptographically secure random bits
declare function randBitsSync(bitLength: number, forceLength?: boolean): Uint8Array | Buffer;
* Secure random bytes for both node and browsers. Node version uses crypto.randomBytes() and browser one self.crypto.getRandomValues()
* @param byteLength - The desired number of random bytes
* @param forceLength - Set to true if you want to force the output to have a bit length of 8*byteLength. It basically forces the msb to be 1
* @throws {@link RangeError} if byteLength < 1
* @returns A promise that resolves to a UInt8Array/Buffer (Browser/Node.js) filled with cryptographically secure random bytes
declare function randBytes(byteLength: number, forceLength?: boolean): Promise;
* Secure random bytes for both node and browsers. Node version uses crypto.randomFill() and browser one self.crypto.getRandomValues()
* This is the synchronous version, consider using the asynchronous one for improved efficiency.
* @param byteLength - The desired number of random bytes
* @param forceLength - Set to true if you want to force the output to have a bit length of 8*byteLength. It basically forces the msb to be 1
* @throws {@link RangeError} if byteLength < 1
* @returns A UInt8Array/Buffer (Browser/Node.js) filled with cryptographically secure random bytes
declare function randBytesSync(byteLength: number, forceLength?: boolean): Uint8Array | Buffer;
export { abs, bitLength, eGcd, gcd, isProbablyPrime, lcm, max, min, modInv, modPow, prime, primeSync, randBetween, randBits, randBitsSync, randBytes, randBytesSync, toZn };