function n(n){return n>=0?n:-n}function t(n){if("number"==typeof n&&(n=BigInt(n)),1n===n)return 1;let t=1;do{t++;}while((n>>=1n)>1n);return t}function r(n,t){if("number"==typeof n&&(n=BigInt(n)),"number"==typeof t&&(t=BigInt(t)),n<=0n||t<=0n)throw new RangeError("a and b MUST be > 0");let r=0n,e=1n,o=1n,i=0n;for(;0n!==n;){const u=t/n,f=t%n,g=r-o*u,c=e-i*u;t=n,n=f,r=o,e=i,o=g,i=c;}return {g:t,x:r,y:e}}function e(n,t){if("number"==typeof n&&(n=BigInt(n)),"number"==typeof t&&(t=BigInt(t)),t<=0n)throw new RangeError("n must be > 0");const r=n%t;return r<0n?r+t:r}function o(n,t){const o=r(e(n,t),t);if(1n!==o.g)throw new RangeError(`${n.toString()} does not have inverse modulo ${t.toString()}`);return e(o.x,t)}function i(n,t,r){if(n.length!==t.length)throw new RangeError("The remainders and modulos arrays should have the same length");const i=r??t.reduce(((n,t)=>n*t),1n);return t.reduce(((t,r,u)=>{const f=i/r;return e(t+f*o(f,r)%i*n[u]%i,i)}),0n)}function u(t,r){let e="number"==typeof t?BigInt(n(t)):n(t),o="number"==typeof r?BigInt(n(r)):n(r);if(0n===e)return o;if(0n===o)return e;let i=0n;for(;0n===(1n&(e|o));)e>>=1n,o>>=1n,i++;for(;0n===(1n&e);)e>>=1n;do{for(;0n===(1n&o);)o>>=1n;if(e>o){const n=e;e=o,o=n;}o-=e;}while(0n!==o);return e<=t?n:t}function c(n,t){return n>=t?t:n}function a(n){return>n[0]**(n[1]-1n)*(n[0]-1n))).reduce(((n,t)=>t*n),1n)}function s(t,r,u,f){if("number"==typeof t&&(t=BigInt(t)),"number"==typeof r&&(r=BigInt(r)),"number"==typeof u&&(u=BigInt(u)),u<=0n)throw new RangeError("n must be > 0");if(1n===u)return 0n;if(t=e(t,u),r<0n)return o(s(t,n(r),u,f),u);if(void 0!==f)return function(n,t,r,e){const>n[0]**n[1])),>a([n]))),,e)=>s(n,t%r,o[e])));return i(f,o,r)}(t,r,u,function(n){const t={};return n.forEach((n=>{if("bigint"==typeof n||"number"==typeof n){const r=String(n);void 0===t[r]?t[r]={p:BigInt(n),k:1n}:t[r].k+=1n;}else {const r=String(n[0]);void 0===t[r]?t[r]={p:BigInt(n[0]),k:BigInt(n[1])}:t[r].k+=BigInt(n[1]);}})),Object.values(t).map((n=>[n.p,n.k]))}(f));let g=1n;for(;r>0;)r%2n===1n&&(g=g*t%u),r/=2n,t=t**2n%u;return g} function fromBuffer(buf) { let ret = 0n; for (const i of buf.values()) { const bi = BigInt(i); ret = (ret << 8n) + bi; } return ret; } function randBytes(byteLength, forceLength = false) { if (byteLength < 1) throw new RangeError('byteLength MUST be > 0'); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { { const buf = new Uint8Array(byteLength); if (byteLength <= 65536) { self.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); } else { for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(byteLength / 65536); i++) { const begin = i * 65536; const end = ((begin + 65535) < byteLength) ? begin + 65535 : byteLength - 1; self.crypto.getRandomValues(buf.subarray(begin, end)); } } if (forceLength) buf[0] = buf[0] | 128; resolve(buf); } }); } function randBytesSync(byteLength, forceLength = false) { if (byteLength < 1) throw new RangeError('byteLength MUST be > 0'); { const buf = new Uint8Array(byteLength); if (byteLength <= 65536) { self.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); } else { for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(byteLength / 65536); i++) { const begin = i * 65536; const end = ((begin + 65535) < byteLength) ? begin + 65535 : byteLength - 1; self.crypto.getRandomValues(buf.subarray(begin, end)); } } if (forceLength) buf[0] = buf[0] | 128; return buf; } } function randBits(bitLength, forceLength = false) { if (bitLength < 1) throw new RangeError('bitLength MUST be > 0'); const byteLength = Math.ceil(bitLength / 8); const bitLengthMod8 = bitLength % 8; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { randBytes(byteLength, false).then(function (rndBytes) { if (bitLengthMod8 !== 0) { rndBytes[0] = rndBytes[0] & (2 ** bitLengthMod8 - 1); } if (forceLength) { const mask = (bitLengthMod8 !== 0) ? 2 ** (bitLengthMod8 - 1) : 128; rndBytes[0] = rndBytes[0] | mask; } resolve(rndBytes); }); }); } function randBitsSync(bitLength, forceLength = false) { if (bitLength < 1) throw new RangeError('bitLength MUST be > 0'); const byteLength = Math.ceil(bitLength / 8); const rndBytes = randBytesSync(byteLength, false); const bitLengthMod8 = bitLength % 8; if (bitLengthMod8 !== 0) { rndBytes[0] = rndBytes[0] & (2 ** bitLengthMod8 - 1); } if (forceLength) { const mask = (bitLengthMod8 !== 0) ? 2 ** (bitLengthMod8 - 1) : 128; rndBytes[0] = rndBytes[0] | mask; } return rndBytes; } function randBetween(max, min = 1n) { if (max <= min) throw new RangeError('Arguments MUST be: max > min'); const interval = max - min; const bitLen = t(interval); let rnd; do { const buf = randBitsSync(bitLen); rnd = fromBuffer(buf); } while (rnd > interval); return rnd + min; } function _workerUrl(workerCode) { workerCode = `(() => {${workerCode}})()`; const _blob = new Blob([workerCode], { type: 'text/javascript' }); return window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob); } let _useWorkers = false; { if (self.Worker !== undefined) _useWorkers = true; } function isProbablyPrime(w, iterations = 16, disableWorkers = false) { if (typeof w === 'number') { w = BigInt(w); } if (w < 0n) throw RangeError('w MUST be >= 0'); { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const worker = new Worker(_isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl()); worker.onmessage = (event) => { if (event?.data?._bcu?.isPrime !== undefined) { worker.terminate(); resolve(; } }; worker.onmessageerror = (event) => { reject(event); }; const msg = { _bcu: { rnd: w, iterations, id: 0 } }; worker.postMessage(msg); }); } } function _isProbablyPrime(w, iterations) { if (w === 2n) return true; else if ((w & 1n) === 0n || w === 1n) return false; const firstPrimes = [ 3n, 5n, 7n, 11n, 13n, 17n, 19n, 23n, 29n, 31n, 37n, 41n, 43n, 47n, 53n, 59n, 61n, 67n, 71n, 73n, 79n, 83n, 89n, 97n, 101n, 103n, 107n, 109n, 113n, 127n, 131n, 137n, 139n, 149n, 151n, 157n, 163n, 167n, 173n, 179n, 181n, 191n, 193n, 197n, 199n, 211n, 223n, 227n, 229n, 233n, 239n, 241n, 251n, 257n, 263n, 269n, 271n, 277n, 281n, 283n, 293n, 307n, 311n, 313n, 317n, 331n, 337n, 347n, 349n, 353n, 359n, 367n, 373n, 379n, 383n, 389n, 397n, 401n, 409n, 419n, 421n, 431n, 433n, 439n, 443n, 449n, 457n, 461n, 463n, 467n, 479n, 487n, 491n, 499n, 503n, 509n, 521n, 523n, 541n, 547n, 557n, 563n, 569n, 571n, 577n, 587n, 593n, 599n, 601n, 607n, 613n, 617n, 619n, 631n, 641n, 643n, 647n, 653n, 659n, 661n, 673n, 677n, 683n, 691n, 701n, 709n, 719n, 727n, 733n, 739n, 743n, 751n, 757n, 761n, 769n, 773n, 787n, 797n, 809n, 811n, 821n, 823n, 827n, 829n, 839n, 853n, 857n, 859n, 863n, 877n, 881n, 883n, 887n, 907n, 911n, 919n, 929n, 937n, 941n, 947n, 953n, 967n, 971n, 977n, 983n, 991n, 997n, 1009n, 1013n, 1019n, 1021n, 1031n, 1033n, 1039n, 1049n, 1051n, 1061n, 1063n, 1069n, 1087n, 1091n, 1093n, 1097n, 1103n, 1109n, 1117n, 1123n, 1129n, 1151n, 1153n, 1163n, 1171n, 1181n, 1187n, 1193n, 1201n, 1213n, 1217n, 1223n, 1229n, 1231n, 1237n, 1249n, 1259n, 1277n, 1279n, 1283n, 1289n, 1291n, 1297n, 1301n, 1303n, 1307n, 1319n, 1321n, 1327n, 1361n, 1367n, 1373n, 1381n, 1399n, 1409n, 1423n, 1427n, 1429n, 1433n, 1439n, 1447n, 1451n, 1453n, 1459n, 1471n, 1481n, 1483n, 1487n, 1489n, 1493n, 1499n, 1511n, 1523n, 1531n, 1543n, 1549n, 1553n, 1559n, 1567n, 1571n, 1579n, 1583n, 1597n ]; for (let i = 0; i < firstPrimes.length && (firstPrimes[i] <= w); i++) { const p = firstPrimes[i]; if (w === p) return true; else if (w % p === 0n) return false; } let a = 0n; const d = w - 1n; let aux = d; while (aux % 2n === 0n) { aux /= 2n; ++a; } const m = d / (2n ** a); do { const b = randBetween(d, 2n); let z = s(b, m, w); if (z === 1n || z === d) continue; let j = 1; while (j < a) { z = s(z, 2n, w); if (z === d) break; if (z === 1n) return false; j++; } if (z !== d) return false; } while (--iterations !== 0); return true; } function _isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl() { let workerCode = ` 'use strict'; const ${} = ${r.toString()}; const ${} = ${o.toString()}; const ${} = ${s.toString()}; const ${} = ${e.toString()}; const ${} = ${randBitsSync.toString()}; const ${} = ${randBytesSync.toString()}; const ${} = ${randBetween.toString()}; const ${} = ${_isProbablyPrime.toString()}; ${t.toString()}; ${fromBuffer.toString()};`; workerCode += ` onmessage = async function(msg) { if (msg !== undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined) { const msgToParent = { _bcu: { isPrime: await ${}(,, value:, id: } }; postMessage(msgToParent); } }`; return _workerUrl(workerCode); } function prime(bitLength, iterations = 16) { if (bitLength < 1) throw new RangeError('bitLength MUST be > 0'); if (!_useWorkers) { let rnd = 0n; do { rnd = fromBuffer(randBitsSync(bitLength, true)); } while (!_isProbablyPrime(rnd, iterations)); return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(rnd); }); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const workerList = []; const _onmessage = (msg, newWorker) => { if (msg._bcu.isPrime) { for (let j = 0; j < workerList.length; j++) { workerList[j].terminate(); } while (workerList.length > 0) { workerList.pop(); } resolve(msg._bcu.value); } else { const buf = randBitsSync(bitLength, true); const rnd = fromBuffer(buf); try { const msgToWorker = { _bcu: { rnd, iterations, id: } }; newWorker.postMessage(msgToWorker); } catch (error) { } } }; { const workerURL = _isProbablyPrimeWorkerUrl(); for (let i = 0; i < self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency - 1; i++) { const newWorker = new Worker(workerURL); newWorker.onmessage = (event) => _onmessage(, newWorker); workerList.push(newWorker); } } for (let i = 0; i < workerList.length; i++) { randBits(bitLength, true).then(function (buf) { const rnd = fromBuffer(buf); workerList[i].postMessage({ _bcu: { rnd, iterations, id: i } }); }).catch(reject); } }); } function primeSync(bitLength, iterations = 16) { if (bitLength < 1) throw new RangeError('bitLength MUST be > 0'); let rnd = 0n; do { rnd = fromBuffer(randBitsSync(bitLength, true)); } while (!_isProbablyPrime(rnd, iterations)); return rnd; } export { n as abs, t as bitLength, r as eGcd, u as gcd, isProbablyPrime, f as lcm, g as max, c as min, o as modInv, s as modPow, prime, primeSync, randBetween, randBits, randBitsSync, randBytes, randBytesSync, e as toZn };