'use strict' const resolve = require('@rollup/plugin-node-resolve').nodeResolve const replace = require('@rollup/plugin-replace') const { terser } = require('rollup-plugin-terser') const typescriptPlugin = require('@rollup/plugin-typescript') const commonjs = require('@rollup/plugin-commonjs') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const pkgJson = require('../package.json') const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '..') const srcDir = path.join(rootDir, 'src') function camelise (str) { return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (m, w) { return w.toUpperCase() }) } const regex = /^(?:(?<scope>@.*?)\/)?(?<name>.*)/ // We are going to take only the package name part if there is a scope, e.g. @my-org/package-name const { name } = pkgJson.name.match(regex).groups const pkgCamelisedName = camelise(name) const input = path.join(srcDir, 'index.ts') if (fs.existsSync(input) !== true) throw new Error('The entry point should be index.ts') const tsBundleOptions = { exclude: ['test/**/*', 'src/**/*.spec.ts', './build/typings/global-this-pkg.d.ts'] } const external = [...Object.keys(pkgJson.dependencies || {}), ...Object.keys(pkgJson.peerDependencies || {})] const sourcemapOutputOptions = { sourcemap: 'inline', sourcemapExcludeSources: true } module.exports = [ { // Browser ESM input: input, output: { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.browser), format: 'es', ...sourcemapOutputOptions }, plugins: [ replace({ IS_BROWSER: true, preventAssignment: true }), typescriptPlugin(tsBundleOptions), resolve({ // For the workers to properly load all the functions when minified (e.g. by webpack), bigint-mod-arith should be resolved browser: true, exportConditions: ['browser', 'module', 'import', 'default'] }) ] }, { // Browser bundles input: input, output: [ { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.exports['./iife-browser-bundle']), format: 'iife', name: pkgCamelisedName }, { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.exports['./esm-browser-bundle']), format: 'es' }, { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.exports['./umd-browser-bundle']), format: 'umd', name: pkgCamelisedName } ], plugins: [ replace({ IS_BROWSER: true, preventAssignment: true }), typescriptPlugin(tsBundleOptions), resolve({ browser: true, exportConditions: ['browser', 'module', 'import', 'default'] }), terser() ] }, { // Node ESM with declaration files input: input, output: { dir: path.join(rootDir, path.dirname(pkgJson.exports['.'].node.import)), entryFileNames: path.basename(pkgJson.exports['.'].node.import), ...sourcemapOutputOptions, format: 'es' }, plugins: [ replace({ IS_BROWSER: false, preventAssignment: true }), typescriptPlugin({ ...tsBundleOptions, declaration: true, outDir: path.join(rootDir, path.dirname(pkgJson.exports['.'].node.import)), declarationDir: path.join(rootDir, path.dirname(pkgJson.exports['.'].node.import), 'types'), declarationMap: true }), commonjs({ extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] }) // the ".ts" extension is required ], external }, { // Node CJS input: input, output: [ { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.exports['.'].node.require), ...sourcemapOutputOptions, format: 'cjs' }, { file: path.join(rootDir, pkgJson.exports['./node-js']), ...sourcemapOutputOptions, format: 'cjs' } ], plugins: [ replace({ IS_BROWSER: false, preventAssignment: true }), typescriptPlugin(tsBundleOptions), commonjs({ extensions: ['.js', '.ts'] }) // the ".ts" extension is required ], external } ]