Arbitrary precision modular arithmetic, cryptographically secure random numbers and strong probable prime generation/testing.
It relies on the native JS implementation of ([BigInt]( It can be used by any [Web Browser or webview supporting BigInt]( and with Node.js (>=10.4.0). The bundles can be imported directly by the browser or in Angular projects, React apps, Node.js, etc.
Secure random numbers are generated using the native crypto implementation of the browsers ([Web Cryptography API]( or [Node.js Crypto]( Strong probable prime generation and testing use Miller-Rabin primality tests and are automatically sped up using parallel workers both in browsers and Node.js.
> The operations supported on BigInts are not constant time. BigInt can be therefore **[unsuitable for use in cryptography](** Many platforms provide native support for cryptography, such as [Web Cryptography API]( or [Node.js Crypto](
> **Node >=10.4 <11**. `bigint-crypto-utils` uses workers to speed up some operations. Workers are enabled by default with Node.js from version 11. In order to use them with Node >=10.4 and <11, you need to execute node with the flag `--experimental-worker`, and require the .js file manually (otherwise .cjs is required by default and would not be supported by the workers)
> ```javascript
> const bigintCryptoUtils = require('bigint-crypto-utils/dist/cjs/index.node') // ONLY FOR node >=10.4 <11 !
> `{{PKG_NAME}}` uses [ES2020 BigInt](, so take into account that:
> 1. If you experience issues using webpack/babel to create your production bundles, you may edit the supported browsers list and leave only [supported browsers and versions]( The browsers list is usually located in your project's `package.json` or the `.browserslistrc` file.
> 2. In order to use `{{PKG_NAME}}` with TypeScript you need to set `target`, and `lib` and `module` if in use, to `ES2020` in your project's `tsconfig.json`.
You can also download the {{IIFE_BUNDLE}}, the {{ESM_BUNDLE}} or the {{UMD_BUNDLE}} and manually add it to your project, or, if you have already installed `{{PKG_NAME}}` in your project, just get the bundles from `node_modules/{{PKG_NAME}}/dist/bundles/`.
An example of usage could be (complete examples can be found in the [examples]( directory):